Johan Claesson
Johan Claesson
Professor, Lund University and Chalmers Technical University
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Simulation model for thermally interacting heat extraction boreholes
P Eskilson, J Claesson
Numerical heat transfer 13 (2), 149-165, 1988
Brazilian test: stress field and tensile strength of anisotropic rocks using an analytical solution
J Claesson, B Bohloli
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 39 (8), 991-1004, 2002
Conductive heat extraction to a deep borehole: Thermal analyses and dimensioning rules
J Claesson, P Eskilson
Energy 13 (6), 509-527, 1988
An Analytical Method to Calculate Borehole Fluid Temperatures for Time-scales from Minutes to Decades.
J Claesson, S Javed
ASHRAE Transactions 117 (2), 2011
Multipole method to compute the conductive heat flows to and between pipes in a composite cylinder
J Bennet, J Claesson, G Hellström
[Publisher information missing], 1987
Steering parameters for rock grouting
G Gustafson, J Claesson, Å Fransson
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2013 (1), 269594, 2013
New analytical and numerical solutions for the short-term analysis of vertical ground heat exchangers
S Javed, J Claesson
ASHRAE Transactions 117 (1), 3-12, 2011
Multipole method to calculate borehole thermal resistances in a borehole heat exchanger
J Claesson, G Hellström
Hvac&R Research 17 (6), 895-911, 2011
A dimensionless parameter approach to the thermal behavior of an aquifer thermal energy storage system
C Doughty, G Hellström, CF Tsang, J Claesson
Water Resources Research 18 (3), 571-587, 1982
Heat extraction from the ground by horizontal pipes: a mathematical analysis
J Claesson
Heat loss to the ground from a building—I. General theory
J Claesson, CE Hagentoft
Building and Environment 26 (2), 195-208, 1991
A load-aggregation method to calculate extraction temperatures of borehole heat exchangers
J Claesson, S Javed
Ashrae Transactions 118 (1), 530-540, 2012
Analytical studies of the influence of regional groundwater flow by on the performance of borehole heat exchangers
J Claesson, G Hellström
8th International Conference on Thermal Energy Storage, 2000
Use of an analytical solution for calculating temperatures in repository host rock
H Hökmark, J Claesson
Engineering geology 81 (3), 353-364, 2005
Isothermal moisture flow in building materials:: modelling, measurements and calculations based on Kirchhoff’s potential
J Arfvidsson, J Claesson
Building and environment 35 (6), 519-536, 2000
Vertical ground heat exchangers: A review of heat flow models
S Javed, P Fahlén, J Claesson
Effstock 2009-Stockholm, Sweden, 2009-06-14--17. Proceedings vol. CD-proceedings, 2009
Heat loss to the ground from a building—II. Slab on the ground
CE Hagentoft, J Claesson
Building and Environment 26 (4), 395-403, 1991
Buoyancy flow at a two‐fluid interface in a porous medium: Analytical studies
G Hellström, CF Tsang, J Claesson
Water resources research 24 (4), 493-506, 1988
Explicit multipole formulas for calculating thermal resistance of single U-tube ground heat exchangers
J Claesson, S Javed
Energies 11 (1), 214, 2018
Multipole method to compute the conductive heat flows to and between pipes in a cylinder
J Claesson, J Bennet
Department of Building Technology and [Department of] Mathematical Physics …, 1987
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Articles 1–20