Contradictions and limits of neoliberal European governance: from Lisbon to Lisbon J Drahokoupil, L Horn Springer, 2008 | 204 | 2008 |
Varieties of capitalism in crisis? I Bruff, L Horn Competition & Change 16 (3), 161-168, 2012 | 118 | 2012 |
The marketisation of European corporate control: A critical political economy perspective B Van Apeldoorn, L Horn New Political Economy 12 (2), 211-235, 2007 | 103 | 2007 |
Economic science fictions W Davies, HJ Chang, L Horn, S Vint, B Willems, C Brand, T Heys, ... Goldsmiths Press, 2019 | 79 | 2019 |
Corporate governance in crisis? The politics of EU corporate governance regulation L Horn European Law Journal 18 (1), 83-107, 2012 | 73 | 2012 |
Undead pedagogy: How a zombie simulation can contribute to teaching international relations L Horn, O Rubin, L Schouenborg International Studies Perspectives 17 (2), 187-201, 2016 | 59 | 2016 |
Regulating Corporate Governance in the EU. Towards a Marketisation of Corporate Control L Horn Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
A Care Crisis in the Nordic Welfare States?: Care Work, Gender Equality and Welfare State Sustainability LL Hansen, HM Dahl Policy Press, 2021 | 56 | 2021 |
The role of the EU in the (trans) formation of corporate governance regulation in Central Eastern Europe—The case of the Czech Republic A Vliegenthart, L Horn Competition & Change 11 (2), 137-154, 2007 | 40 | 2007 |
Critical international political economy and method J Jäger, L Horn, J Becker The Palgrave handbook of critical international political economy, 101-118, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
Critical political economy B Apeldoorn, L Horn | 37 | 2018 |
Anatomy of a ‘critical friendship’: Organized labour and the European state formation L Horn Globalizations 9 (4), 577-592, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
Introduction: Towards a critical political economy of European governance J Drahokoupil, B Apeldoorn, L Horn Contradictions and Limits of Neoliberal European Governance: From Lisbon to …, 2009 | 34 | 2009 |
“No research on a dead planet”: preserving the socio-ecological conditions for academia A Thierry, L Horn, P Von Hellermann, CJ Gardner Frontiers in Education 8, 1237076, 2023 | 29 | 2023 |
Organic intellectuals at work? The high level group of company law experts in European corporate governance regulation L Horn Contradictions and Limits of Neoliberal European Governance: From Lisbon to …, 2009 | 25 | 2009 |
The transformation of corporate governance regulation in the EU: from harmonization to marketization B Van Apeldoorn, L Horn The transnational politics of corporate governance regulation, 99-119, 2007 | 23 | 2007 |
Taking critical ontology seriously: implications for political science methodology A Wigger, L Horn Handbook of research methods and applications in political science, 38-53, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
Uneven development and political resistance against EU austerity politics A Wigger, L Horn New York: Pluto Press, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Gramsci global B Opratko, O Prausmüller, L Horn Neogramscianische Perspektiven in der internationalen politischen Ökonomie …, 2011 | 21 | 2011 |
The financialization of the corporation L Horn The Corporation.: A Critical, Multidisciplinary Handbook, 281-290, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |