Jeff Thayer
Jeff Thayer
Professor of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
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Pyro‐cumulonimbus injection of smoke to the stratosphere: Observations and impact of a super blowup in northwestern Canada on 3–4 August 1998
M Fromm, R Bevilacqua, R Servranckx, J Rosen, JP Thayer, J Herman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D8), 2005
Global energy deposition during the January 1997 magnetic cloud event
G Lu, DN Baker, RL McPherron, CJ Farrugia, D Lummerzheim, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 103 (A6), 11685-11694, 1998
Rotating solar coronal holes and periodic modulation of the upper atmosphere
J Lei, JP Thayer, JM Forbes, EK Sutton, RS Nerem
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (10), 2008
Thermospheric density oscillations due to periodic solar wind high‐speed streams
JP Thayer, J Lei, JM Forbes, EK Sutton, RS Nerem
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113 (A6), 2008
The convergence of magnetospheric energy flux in the polar atmosphere
JP Thayer, J Semeter
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 (10), 807-824, 2004
Height‐resolved Joule heating rates in the high‐latitude E region and the influence of neutral winds
JP Thayer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 103 (A1), 471-487, 1998
Ionosphere response to solar wind high‐speed streams
J Lei, JP Thayer, JM Forbes, Q Wu, C She, W Wan, W Wang
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (19), 2008
Recent anthropogenic increases in SO2 from Asia have minimal impact on stratospheric aerosol
RR Neely III, OB Toon, S Solomon, JP Vernier, C Alvarez, JM English, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (5), 999-1004, 2013
Interpretation and modeling of the high‐latitude electromagnetic energy flux
JP Thayer, JF Vickrey, RA Heelis, JB Gary
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 100 (A10), 19715-19728, 1995
Wind and temperature effects on thermosphere mass density response to the November 2004 geomagnetic storm
J Lei, JP Thayer, AG Burns, G Lu, Y Deng
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 (A5), 2010
Global thermospheric density variations caused by high‐speed solar wind streams during the declining phase of solar cycle 23
J Lei, JP Thayer, JM Forbes, EK Sutton, RS Nerem, M Temmer, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113 (A11), 2008
Review of ozone and temperature lidar validations performed within the framework of the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change
P Keckhut, S McDermid, D Swart, T McGee, S Godin-Beekmann, ...
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 6 (9), 721-733, 2004
Periodic modulations in thermospheric composition by solar wind high speed streams
G Crowley, A Reynolds, JP Thayer, J Lei, LJ Paxton, AB Christensen, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (21), 2008
Remote measurement of shallow depths in semi-transparent media
JP Thayer, S Mitchell, M Hayman
US Patent 9,476,980, 2016
Ionospheric electrodynamics: A tutorial
AD Richmond, JP Thayer
Magnetospheric current systems 118, 131-146, 2000
Ionized plasma and neutral gas coupling in the Sun’s chromosphere and Earth’s ionosphere/thermosphere
JE Leake, CR DeVore, JP Thayer, AG Burns, G Crowley, HR Gilbert, ...
Space Science Reviews 184, 107-172, 2014
Impact of CIR storms on thermosphere density variability during the solar minimum of 2008
J Lei, JP Thayer, W Wang, RL McPherron
Solar Physics 274, 427-437, 2011
General description of polarization in lidar using Stokes vectors and polar decomposition of Mueller matrices
M Hayman, JP Thayer
JOSA A 29 (4), 400-409, 2012
Thermospheric neutral wind signatures dependent on the east-west component of the interplanetary magnetic field for Northern and Southern Hemispheres as measured from Dynamics …
JP Thayer, TL Killeen, FG McCormac, CR Tschan, JJ Ponthieu, ...
Annales Geophysicae 5, 363-368, 1987
Gravity‐wave influences on Arctic mesospheric clouds as determined by a Rayleigh lidar at Sondrestrom, Greenland
JP Thayer, M Rapp, AJ Gerrard, E Gudmundsson, TJ Kane
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D8), 2003
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