Melissa Le-Hoa Vo
Melissa Le-Hoa Vo
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The invisible gorilla strikes again: Sustained inattentional blindness in expert observers
T Drew, MLH Vő, JM Wolfe
Psychological science 24 (9), 1848-1853, 2013
The Berlin affective word list reloaded (BAWL-R)
MLH Vő, M Conrad, L Kuchinke, K Urton, MJ Hofmann, AM Jacobs
Behavior research methods 41 (2), 534-538, 2009
Visual search in scenes involves selective and nonselective pathways
JM Wolfe, MLH Vő, KK Evans, MR Greene
Trends in cognitive sciences 15 (2), 77-84, 2011
Estimating power in (generalized) linear mixed models: An open introduction and tutorial in R
L Kumle, MLH Vő, D Draschkow
Behavior research methods 53 (6), 2528-2543, 2021
Incidental effects of emotional valence in single word processing: an fMRI study
L Kuchinke, AM Jacobs, C Grubich, MLH Vo, M Conrad, M Herrmann
NeuroImage 28 (4), 1022-1032, 2005
Affective processing within 1/10th of a second: High arousal is necessary for early facilitative processing of negative but not positive words
MJ Hofmann, L Kuchinke, S Tamm, MLH Vő, AM Jacobs
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 9, 389-397, 2009
The coupling of emotion and cognition in the eye: Introducing the pupil old/new effect
MLH Vő, AM Jacobs, L Kuchinke, M Hofmann, M Conrad, A Schacht, ...
Psychophysiology 45 (1), 130-140, 2008
Pupillary responses during lexical decisions vary with word frequency but not emotional valence
L Kuchinke, MLH Vő, M Hofmann, AM Jacobs
International Journal of Psychophysiology 65 (2), 132-140, 2007
Does gravity matter? Effects of semantic and syntactic inconsistencies on the allocation of attention during scene perception
LHV Melissa, JM Henderson
Journal of Vision 9 (3), 2009
Informatics in radiology: what can you see in a single glance and how might this guide visual search in medical images?
T Drew, K Evans, MLH Vő, FL Jacobson, JM Wolfe
Radiographics 33 (1), 263-274, 2013
Scanners and drillers: characterizing expert visual search through volumetric images
T Drew, MLH Vo, A Olwal, F Jacobson, SE Seltzer, JM Wolfe
Journal of vision 13 (10), 3-3, 2013
Reading scenes: How scene grammar guides attention and aids perception in real-world environments
MLH Vő, SEP Boettcher, D Draschkow
Current opinion in psychology 29, 205-210, 2019
Cross-validating the Berlin affective word list
MLH Vő, AM Jacobs, M Conrad
Behavior research methods 38, 606-609, 2006
Do the eyes really have it? Dynamic allocation of attention when viewing moving faces
MLH Vő, TJ Smith, PK Mital, JM Henderson
Journal of vision 12 (13), 3-3, 2012
Differential electrophysiological signatures of semantic and syntactic scene processing
MLH Vő, JM Wolfe
Psychological science 24 (9), 1816-1823, 2013
When does repeated search in scenes involve memory? Looking at versus looking for objects in scenes.
MLH Vő, JM Wolfe
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 38 (1), 23, 2012
The role of memory for visual search in scenes
M Le‐Hoa Vő, JM Wolfe
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1339 (1), 72-81, 2015
The time course of initial scene processing for eye movement guidance in natural scene search
LHV Melissa, JM Henderson
Journal of Vision 10 (3), 2010
The interplay of episodic and semantic memory in guiding repeated search in scenes
MLH Vő, JM Wolfe
Cognition 126 (2), 198-212, 2013
Object–scene inconsistencies do not capture gaze: evidence from the flash-preview moving-window paradigm
MLH Vő, JM Henderson
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 73, 1742-1753, 2011
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Articles 1–20