Roland Nitschke
Roland Nitschke
Life Imaging Center and Signalling Research Centres CIBSS and BIOSS, University Freiburg,
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Cited by
Quantum dots versus organic dyes as fluorescent labels
U Resch-Genger, M Grabolle, S Cavaliere-Jaricot, R Nitschke, T Nann
Nature methods 5 (9), 763-775, 2008
Constitutive photomorphogenesis 1 and multiple photoreceptors control degradation of phytochrome interacting factor 3, a transcription factor required for light signaling in …
D Bauer, A Vicziaén, S Kircher, T Nobis, R Nitschke, T Kunkel, ...
The Plant Cell 16 (6), 1433-1445, 2004
Primary cilia regulate mTORC1 activity and cell size through Lkb1
C Boehlke, F Kotsis, V Patel, S Braeg, H Voelker, S Bredt, T Beyer, ...
Nature cell biology 12 (11), 1115-1122, 2010
TRPP2 and TRPV4 form a polymodal sensory channel complex
M Köttgen, B Buchholz, MA Garcia-Gonzalez, F Kotsis, X Fu, M Doerken, ...
The Journal of cell biology 182 (3), 437-447, 2008
Mechanical induction of lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana
FA Ditengou, WD Teale, P Kochersperger, KA Flittner, I Kneuper, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (48), 18818-18823, 2008
Inhibition of mTORC1 by astrin and stress granules prevents apoptosis in cancer cells
K Thedieck, B Holzwarth, MT Prentzell, C Boehlke, K Kläsener, S Ruf, ...
Cell 154 (4), 859-874, 2013
Comprehensive catecholaminergic projectome analysis reveals single-neuron integration of zebrafish ascending and descending dopaminergic systems
TL Tay, O Ronneberger, S Ryu, R Nitschke, W Driever
Nature communications 2 (1), 171, 2011
Serum-and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase 1 (SGK1) mediates glucocorticoid-induced inhibition of insulin secretion
S Ullrich, S Berchtold, F Ranta, G Seebohm, G Henke, A Lupescu, ...
Diabetes 54 (4), 1090-1099, 2005
The von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein controls ciliogenesis by orienting microtubule growth
B Schermer, C Ghenoiu, M Bartram, RU Müller, F Kotsis, M Höhne, ...
The Journal of cell biology 175 (4), 547-554, 2006
The cardiac K+ channel KCNQ1 is essential for gastric acid secretion
F Grahammer, OH Wittekindt, R Nitschke, AW Herling, HJ Lang, M Bleich, ...
Gastroenterology 120 (6), 1363-1371, 2001
The two segments of the infectious bursal disease virus genome are circularized by a 90,000-Da protein
H Müller, R Nitschke
Virology 159 (1), 174-177, 1987
ViBE-Z: a framework for 3D virtual colocalization analysis in zebrafish larval brains
O Ronneberger, K Liu, M Rath, D Rueβ, T Mueller, H Skibbe, B Drayer, ...
Nature methods 9 (7), 735-742, 2012
A new class of inhibitors of cAMP-mediated Cl secretion in rabbit colon, acting by the reduction of cAMP-activated K+ conductance
E Lohrmann, I Burhoff, RB Nitschke, HJ Lang, D Mania, HC Englert, ...
Pflügers Archiv 429, 517-530, 1995
XuvTools: free, fast and reliable stitching of large 3D datasets
M Emmenlauer, O Ronneberger, A Ponti, P Schwarb, A Griffa, A Filippi, ...
Journal of microscopy 233 (1), 42-60, 2009
The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator activates aquaporin 3 in airway epithelial cells
R Schreiber, R Nitschke, R Greger, K Kunzelmann
Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (17), 11811-11816, 1999
Heteromeric KCNE2/KCNQ1 potassium channels in the luminal membrane of gastric parietal cells
D Heitzmann, F Grahammer, T Von Hahn, A Schmitt‐Gräff, E Romeo, ...
The Journal of physiology 561 (2), 547-557, 2004
Control of epithelial Na+ conductance by the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
K Kunzelmann, R Schreiber, R Nitschke, M Mall
Pflügers Archiv 440, 193-201, 2000
Protocol: an improved and universal procedure for whole-mount immunolocalization in plants
T Pasternak, O Tietz, K Rapp, M Begheldo, R Nitschke, B Ruperti, ...
Plant methods 11, 1-10, 2015
TRPP2 channels regulate apoptosis through the Ca2+ concentration in the endoplasmic reticulum
T Wegierski, D Steffl, C Kopp, R Tauber, B Buchholz, R Nitschke, ...
The EMBO journal 28 (5), 490-499, 2009
How to improve quality assurance in fluorometry: fluorescence-inherent sources of error and suited fluorescence standards
U Resch-Genger, K Hoffmann, W Nietfeld, A Engel, J Neukammer, ...
Journal of Fluorescence 15, 337-362, 2005
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Articles 1–20