Winsor H. Lowe
Winsor H. Lowe
Professor, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana
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What can genetics tell us about population connectivity?
WH Lowe, FW Allendorf
Molecular ecology 19 (15), 3038-3051, 2010
Living in the branches: population dynamics and ecological processes in dendritic networks
EH Campbell Grant, WH Lowe, WF Fagan
Ecology letters 10 (2), 165-175, 2007
Distance, flow and PCR inhibition: e DNA dynamics in two headwater streams
SF Jane, TM Wilcox, KS McKelvey, MK Young, MK Schwartz, WH Lowe, ...
Molecular ecology resources 15 (1), 216-227, 2015
Robust detection of rare species using environmental DNA: the importance of primer specificity
TM Wilcox, KS McKelvey, MK Young, SF Jane, WH Lowe, AR Whiteley, ...
PloS one 8 (3), e59520, 2013
Understanding environmental DNA detection probabilities: A case study using a stream-dwelling char Salvelinus fontinalis
TM Wilcox, KS McKelvey, MK Young, AJ Sepulveda, BB Shepard, ...
Biological Conservation 194, 209-216, 2016
Moving headwater streams to the head of the class
WH Lowe, GE Likens
BioScience 55 (3), 196-197, 2005
Invasive hybridization in a threatened species is accelerated by climate change
CC Muhlfeld, RP Kovach, LA Jones, R Al-Chokhachy, MC Boyer, ...
Nature Climate Change 4 (7), 620-624, 2014
Is dispersal neutral?
WH Lowe, MA McPeek
Trends in ecology & evolution 29 (8), 444-450, 2014
Can't see the forest for the stream? In-stream processing and terrestrial nitrogen exports
ES Bernhardt, GE Likens, RO Hall, DC Buso, SG Fisher, TM Burton, ...
BioScience 55 (3), 219-230, 2005
Linking scales in stream ecology
WH Lowe, GE Likens, ME Power
BioScience 56 (7), 591-597, 2006
Local and landscape‐scale predictors of salamander abundance in New Hampshire headwater streams
WH Lowe, DT Bolger
Conservation Biology 16 (1), 183-193, 2002
Human effects on ecological connectivity in aquatic ecosystems: integrating scientific approaches to support management and mitigation
DA Crook, WH Lowe, FW Allendorf, T Erős, DS Finn, BM Gillanders, ...
Science of the total environment 534, 52-64, 2015
Gravel-bed river floodplains are the ecological nexus of glaciated mountain landscapes
FR Hauer, H Locke, VJ Dreitz, M Hebblewhite, WH Lowe, CC Muhlfeld, ...
Science Advances 2 (6), e1600026, 2016
Use of multiple dispersal pathways facilitates amphibian persistence in stream networks
EH Campbell Grant, JD Nichols, WH Lowe, WF Fagan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (15), 6936-6940, 2010
Linking dispersal to local population dynamics: a case study using a headwater salamander system
WH Lowe
Ecology 84 (8), 2145-2154, 2003
Network analysis reveals multiscale controls on streamwater chemistry
KJ McGuire, CE Torgersen, GE Likens, DC Buso, WH Lowe, SW Bailey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (19), 7030-7035, 2014
Population genetics and demography unite ecology and evolution
WH Lowe, RP Kovach, FW Allendorf
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32 (2), 141-152, 2017
Environmental DNA particle size distribution from Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
TM Wilcox, KS McKelvey, MK Young, WH Lowe, MK Schwartz
Conservation Genetics Resources 7, 639-641, 2015
Linking direct and indirect data on dispersal: isolation by slope in a headwater stream salamander
WH Lowe, GE Likens, MA McPeek, DC Buso
Ecology 87 (2), 334-339, 2006
Influences of logging history and riparian forest characteristics on macroinvertebrates and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in headwater streams (New Hampshire …
KH Nislow, WH Lowe
Freshwater Biology 51 (2), 388-397, 2006
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Articles 1–20