Cameron Ballard-Rosa
Cameron Ballard-Rosa
Associate Professor of Political Science, UNC, Chapel Hill
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Cited by
The structure of American income tax policy preferences
C Ballard-Rosa, L Martin, K Scheve
The Journal of Politics 79 (1), 1-16, 2017
The economic origins of authoritarian values: evidence from local trade shocks in the United Kingdom
C Ballard-Rosa, MA Malik, SJ Rickard, K Scheve
Comparative political studies 54 (13), 2321-2353, 2021
Economic decline, social identity, and authoritarian values in the United States
C Ballard-Rosa, A Jensen, K Scheve
International Studies Quarterly 66 (1), sqab027, 2022
Contingent advantage? Sovereign borrowing, democratic institutions and global capital cycles
C Ballard-Rosa, L Mosley, RL Wellhausen
British Journal of Political Science 51 (1), 353-373, 2021
Hungry for change: Urban bias and autocratic sovereign default
C Ballard-Rosa
International Organization 70 (2), 313-346, 2016
Coming to terms: the politics of sovereign bond denomination
C Ballard-Rosa, L Mosley, RL Wellhausen
International Organization 76 (1), 32-69, 2022
Democracy, dictatorship, and default: Urban-rural bias and economic crises across regimes
C Ballard-Rosa
Cambridge University Press, 2020
Trade as villain: belief in the American Dream and declining support for globalization
C Ballard-Rosa, JL Goldstein, N Rudra
The Journal of Politics 86 (1), 274-290, 2024
Economic crises and trade policy competition
C Ballard-Rosa, A Carnegie, N Gaikwad
British Journal of Political Science 48 (3), 713-748, 2018
Democratic erosion event dataset v5
J Gottlieb, R Blair, H Baron, A Arugay, C Ballard-Rosa, G Beatty, B Esen, ...
Democratic Erosion: A Cross-University Collaboration, 2022
Inequality, Information, and Income Tax Policy Preferences in Austria and Germany 1
C Ballard-Rosa, R Rogowski, K Scheve, N Thor
Unpublished manuscript, 2021
The Geography of Democratic Discontent
C Ballard-Rosa, A Carnegie, B Schonfeld
British Journal of Political Science 53 (2), 366-386, 2023
Liberal populism: Public support for globalization in post-Brexit United Kingdom
C Ballard-Rosa, S Rickard, K Scheve
Unpublished paper, London School of Economics, 2017
Paris Club Restructuring and the Rise of China
C Ballard-Rosa, L Mosley, BP Rosendorff
No Free Lunch: Public debt preferences in the United States
L Martin, C Ballard-Rosa
OSF, 2024
American preferences on sovereign debt financing--Pilot
C Ballard-Rosa, L Martin
OSF, 2023
In addition to our board members, contributions, International Organization grate-fully acknowledges the assistance of the following reviewers in 2022 Kenneth Abbott Lamis …
S Abramson, M Aklin, B Allan, M Allen, S Allen, A Ala, D Altman, B Appel, ...
Review Index
A Baker, B Ames, L Rennó, P Baldwin, C Ballard-Rosa, J Barnhart, ...
In addition to our board members, contributions, International Organization grate-fully acknowledges the assistance of the following reviewers in 2021: Kenneth Abbott Aala …
M Abrahms, S Abramson, A Acharya, V Aggarwal, M Aklin, D Aksoy, ...
Local economic shocks from globalisation are linked to an increase in authoritarian values and the Brexit vote
C Ballard-Rosa, M Malik, S Rickard, K Scheve
British Politics and Policy at LSE, 2021
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Articles 1–20