On the use of computational fluid dynamics to investigate aerosol dispersion in an industrial environment: a case study HE Fossum, BAP Reif, M Tutkun, T Gjesdal Boundary-layer meteorology 144, 21-40, 2012 | 24 | 2012 |
Anisotropy and shear-layer edge dynamics of statistically unsteady, stratified turbulence EMM Wingstedt, HE Fossum, P Reif, J Werne Physics of Fluids 27 (6), 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Computational modeling of stably stratified, turbulent shear flows HE Fossum | 4 | 2015 |
A model for the viscous dissipation rate in stably stratified, sheared turbulence HE Fossum, EMM Wingstedt, BAP Reif Geophysical research letters 40 (14), 3744-3749, 2013 | 4 | 2013 |
Simulation of bomb residue deposition following the Oslo bombing July 22, 2011 EMM Wingstedt, HE Fossum, BAP Reif | 3 | 2012 |
Measurements of hydrocarbon flame propagation in a channel E Åkervik, HE Fossum, M Henriksen, D Bjerketvedt | 1 | 2021 |
Predicting particle deposition in the human airways with rans turbulence modeling HE Fossum | 1 | 2009 |
Numerical simulation of hydrogen dispersion in an open-ended rectangular channel HE Fossum, E Åkervik, M Henriksen, D Bjerketvedt International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 92, 544-559, 2024 | | 2024 |
Simple source description for dense gas releases T Vik, H Fossum, A Helgeland | | 2024 |
Computational fluid dynamics simulations of local wind in large urban areas HE Fossum, A Helgeland | | 2020 |
Luftbåren smitte av virale luftveisinfeksjoner fra et aerosolfysisk perspektiv E Åkervik, HE Fossum, M Dybwad, A Helgeland | | 2020 |
Eksempelstudie for Statens Vegvesen Vegdirektoratet: Vind-og spredningssimuleringer HE Fossum, A Helgeland | | 2019 |
Computational modeling of health effects from indoor dispersion of airborne biological and chemical agents HE Fossum, M Dybwad, A Helgeland | | 2019 |
Evaluation of safety distances for storage of explosive materials using a combination of thermochemical computations and CFD HE Fossum, AN Osnes, TE Kristensen | | 2019 |
Creating computational meshes from geographical information-system data for urban environments a general and robust methodology HE Fossum, A Helgeland | | 2017 |
Computational fluid dynamics simulations of flow and dispersion in the aerosol test chamber HE Fossum, BAP Reif | | 2012 |
Dispersion of Legionella-containing aerosols from a biological treatment plant, Norway JM Blatny, H Fossum, J Ho, M Tutkun, G Skogan, O Andreassen, ... Frontiers in Bioscience-Elite 3 (4), 1300-1309, 2011 | | 2011 |
Assessment of the dispersion of Legionella-containing aerosols from a biological treatment plant JM Blatny, M Tutkun, HE Fossum, G Skogan, EM Fykse, Ø Andreassen, ... | | 2011 |
A Study of Hydrogen Dispersion in an Open-Ended Rectangular Channel M Henriksen, HE Fossum, E Åkervik, D Bjerketvedt Available at SSRN 4996998, 0 | | |