Martin Enqvist
Martin Enqvist
Associate Professor in Automatic Control, Linköping University
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Reglerteknik: grundläggande teori
T Glad, L Ljung, M Enqvist
Studentlitteratur AB, 2024
Linear approximations of nonlinear FIR systems for separable input processes
M Enqvist, L Ljung
Automatica 41 (3), 459-473, 2005
Linear models of nonlinear systems
M Enqvist
Linköping, 2005
Industriell reglerteknik kurskompendium
M Enqvist, T Glad, S Gunnarsson, P Lindskog, L Ljung, J Löfberg, ...
Institution of automatic control at Linköping University, 2014
Identification of systems with unknown inputs using indirect input measurements
J Linder, M Enqvist
International Journal of Control 90 (4), 729-745, 2017
Handling certain structure information in subspace identification
C Lyzell, M Enqvist, L Ljung
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (10), 90-95, 2009
Estimating models of inverse systems
Y Jung, M Enqvist
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 7143-7148, 2013
Order and structural dependence selection of LPV-ARX models using a nonnegative garrote approach
R Tóth, C Lyzell, M Enqvist, PSC Heuberger, PMJ Van den Hof
Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009
Phase predistortion of a class-D outphasing RF amplifier in 90 nm CMOS
J Fritzin, Y Jung, PN Landin, P Handel, M Enqvist, A Alvandpour
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 58 (10), 642-646, 2011
Study of the LTI relations between the outputs of two coupled Wiener systems and its application to the generation of initial estimates for Wiener–Hammerstein systems
J Schoukens, R Pintelon, M Enqvist
Automatica 44 (7), 1654-1665, 2008
A nonlinear block structure identification procedure using frequency response function measurements
L Lauwers, J Schoukens, R Pintelon, M Enqvist
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 57 (10), 2257-2264, 2008
Abstractions of linear dynamic networks for input selection in local module identification
HHM Weerts, J Linder, M Enqvist, PMJ Van den Hof
Automatica 117, 108975, 2020
Identification and prediction in dynamic networks with unobservable nodes
J Linder, M Enqvist
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 10574-10579, 2017
Mass estimation of a quadcopter using IMU data
D Ho, J Linder, G Hendeby, M Enqvist
2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 1260-1266, 2017
System and method for simulation of non-linear audio equipment
F Gustaffsson, P Connman, O Öberg, N Odelholm, M Enqvist
US Patent 8,165,309, 2012
Estimating nonlinear systems in a neighborhood of LTI-approximants
M Enqvist, L Ljung
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2002. 1 …, 2002
Least-squares phase predistortion of a+ 30 dBm class-D outphasing RF PA in 65 nm CMOS
Y Jung, J Fritzin, M Enqvist, A Alvandpour
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 60 (7), 1915-1928, 2013
Some results on linear models of nonlinear systems
M Enqvist
Division of Automatic Control and Communication Systems, Department of …, 2003
The CDIO Initiative from an automatic control project course perspective
M Enqvist, S Gunnarsson, M Norrlöf, E Wernholt, A Hansson
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1), 67-72, 2005
Sequential aerodynamic model parameter identification
R Larsson, M Enqvist
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (16), 1413-1418, 2012
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