Juan M. Gallego/
Juan M. Gallego/
Universidad del Rosario, Facultad de Economía, GI Facultad de Economía
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Cited by
Twenty-year follow-up of kangaroo mother care versus traditional care
N Charpak, R Tessier, JG Ruiz, JT Hernandez, F Uriza, J Villegas, ...
Pediatrics 139 (1), 2017
A firm-level analysis of ICT adoption in an emerging economy: evidence from the Colombian manufacturing industries
JM Gallego, LH Gutiérrez, SH Lee
Industrial and Corporate Change 24 (1), 191-221, 2015
Xenophobic attacks, migration intentions, and networks: evidence from the South of Africa
G Friebel, JM Gallego, M Mendola
Journal of Population Economics 26 (2), 555-591, 2013
Human capital, innovation and productivity in Colombian enterprises: a structural approach using instrumental variables
S Ramírez, J Gallego, M Tamayo
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 29 (6), 625-642, 2020
The determinants of the health status in developing countries: results from the Colombian case
M Ramírez, JM Gallego
Economia 41, 1-15, 2004
Impact oriented monitoring: A new methodology for monitoring and evaluation of international public health research projects
J Guinea, E Sela, AJ Gómez-Núñez, T Mangwende, A Ambali, N Ngum, ...
Research Evaluation 24 (2), 131-145, 2015
Innovation and productivity in the Colombian service and manufacturing industries
JM Gallego, LH Gutiérrez, R Taborda
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 51 (3), 612-634, 2015
El gasto en salud de los hogares colombianos: un análisis descriptivo
M Ramírez, DF Cortés, JM Gallego
Lecturas de Economía, 87-125, 2002
Aspectos teóricos sobre la salud como un determinante del crecimiento económico
JM Gallego
Lecturas de economía, 35-53, 2001
Labour migration and social networks participation in southern Mozambique
JM Gallego, M Mendola
Economica 80 (320), 721-759, 2013
Intervención psicosocial, una aproximación desde el Trabajo Social
M Abello, J Gallego
Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2007
Los límites de la estratificación: en busca de alternativas
CE Sepúlveda Rico, D López Camacho, JM Gallego Acevedo
Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2014
On the design of education conditional cash transfer programs and non education outcomes: the case of teenage pregnancy
D Cortés, J Gallego, D Maldonado
CESifo Working Paper, 2011
Retornos a la educación y sesgo de habilidad: teoría y aplicación en Colombia
AF Casas, JM Gallego, CE Sepúlveda
Lecturas de Economía, 69-96, 2003
Labor migration and social networks participation: Evidence from Southern Mozambique
JM Gallego, M Mendola
CISEPS Working Paper, 2011
On the design of educational conditional cash transfer programs and their impact on Non-education outcomes: the case of teenage pregnancy
D Cortés, JM Gallego., D Maldonado
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 16 (1), 219-258, 2016
An integrated analysis of the impact of gender diversity on innovation and productivity in manufacturing firms
JM Gallego, LH Gutiérrez
Inter-American Development Bank, 2018
Estratificación socioeconómica con base en información catastral
J Gallego, D López, C Sepúlveda
Modelos para el caso de Bogotá, DC 171, 2014
Tobacco taxes and illicit cigarette trade in Colombia
JM Gallego, B Llorente, N Maldonado, S Otálvaro-Ramírez, ...
Economics & Human Biology 39, 100902, 2020
Servicios intensivos en conocimiento en la industria del petróleo en Colombia
JM Gallego, H Jaramillo, A Patiño
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
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Articles 1–20