SP Kothari
SP Kothari
Professor, MIT
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Performance matched discretionary accrual measures
SP Kothari, AJ Leone, CE Wasley
Journal of accounting and economics 39 (1), 163-197, 2005
The effect of international institutional factors on properties of accounting earnings
R Ball, SP Kothari, A Robin
Journal of accounting and economics 29 (1), 1-51, 2000
Capital markets research in accounting
SP Kothari
Journal of accounting and economics 31 (1-3), 105-231, 2001
An analysis of intertemporal and cross-sectional determinants of earnings response coefficients
DW Collins, SP Kothari
Journal of accounting and economics 11 (2-3), 143-181, 1989
Do managers withhold bad news?
SP Kothari, S Shu, PD Wysocki
Journal of Accounting research 47 (1), 241-276, 2009
The relation between earnings and cash flows
PM Dechow, SP Kothari, RL Watts
Journal of accounting and Economics 25 (2), 133-168, 1998
Econometrics of event studies
SP Kothari, JB Warner
Handbook of empirical corporate finance, 3-36, 2007
Another look at the cross‐section of expected stock returns
SP Kothari, J Shanken, RG Sloan
The journal of finance 50 (1), 185-224, 1995
Measuring long-horizon security price performance
SP Kothari, JB Warner
Journal of financial economics 43 (3), 301-339, 1997
A market-based evaluation of discretionary accrual models
WR Guay, SP Kothari, RL Watts
Journal of accounting research 34, 83-105, 1996
The effect of disclosures by management, analysts, and business press on cost of capital, return volatility, and analyst forecasts: A study using content analysis
SP Kothari, X Li, JE Short
The Accounting Review 84 (5), 1639-1670, 2009
The effect of disclosures by management, analysts, and business press on cost of capital, return volatility, and analyst forecasts: A study using content analysis
SP Kothari, X Li, JE Short
The Accounting Review 84 (5), 1639-1670, 2009
The benefits of financial statement comparability
G De Franco, SP Kothari, RS Verdi
Journal of Accounting research 49 (4), 895-931, 2011
Capitalization versus expensing: Evidence on the uncertainty of future earnings from capital expenditures versus R&D outlays
SP Kothari, TE Laguerre, AJ Leone
Review of accounting Studies 7 (4), 355-382, 2002
Price and return models
SP Kothari, JL Zimmerman
Journal of Accounting and economics 20 (2), 155-192, 1995
How much do firms hedge with derivatives?
W Guay, SP Kothari
Journal of financial economics 70 (3), 423-461, 2003
Implications for GAAP from an analysis of positive research in accounting
SP Kothari, K Ramanna, DJ Skinner
Journal of accounting and economics 50 (2-3), 246-286, 2010
Determinants of the informativeness of analyst research
R Frankel, SP Kothari, J Weber
Journal of Accounting and Economics 41 (1-2), 29-54, 2006
Lack of timeliness and noise as explanations for the low contemporaneuos return-earnings association
DW Collins, SP Kothari, J Shanken, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and economics 18 (3), 289-324, 1994
Nonstationary expected returns: Implications for tests of market efficiency and serial correlation in returns
R Ball, SP Kothari
Journal of Financial Economics 25 (1), 51-74, 1989
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