Minsu Cho
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Selective network linearization for efficient private inference
M Cho, A Joshi, B Reagen, S Garg, C Hegde
International Conference on Machine Learning, 3947-3961, 2022
Sphynx: A deep neural network design for private inference
M Cho, Z Ghodsi, B Reagen, S Garg, C Hegde
IEEE Security & Privacy 20 (5), 22-34, 2022
Revisiting self-distillation
M Pham, M Cho, A Joshi, C Hegde
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.08491, 2022
One-shot neural architecture search via compressive sensing
M Cho, M Soltani, C Hegde
2nd Workshop on Neural Architecture Search at ICLR 2021, 2019
InvNet: Encoding geometric and statistical invariances in deep generative models
A Joshi, M Cho, V Shah, B Pokuri, S Sarkar, B Ganapathysubramanian, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (04), 4377-4384, 2020
Reducing the search space for hyperparameter optimization using group sparsity
M Cho, C Hegde
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Espn: Extremely sparse pruned networks
M Cho, A Joshi, C Hegde
2021 IEEE Data Science and Learning Workshop (DSLW), 1-8, 2021
Zero‐shot insect detection via weak language supervision
B Feuer, A Joshi, M Cho, S Chiranjeevi, ZK Deng, A Balu, AK Singh, ...
The Plant Phenome Journal 7 (1), e20107, 2024
Differentiable spline approximations
M Cho, A Balu, A Joshi, A Deva Prasad, B Khara, S Sarkar, ...
Advances in neural information processing systems 34, 20270-20282, 2021
Privacy-preserving deep models for plant stress phenotyping
M Cho, K Nagasubramanian, AK Singh, A Singh, ...
AI for Agriculture and Food Systems, 2022
Smooth-Reduce: Leveraging Patches for Improved Certified Robustness
A Joshi, M Pham, M Cho, L Boytsov, F Condessa, JZ Kolter, C Hegde
Hyperparameter optimization in neural networks via structured sparse recovery
M Cho, M Soltani, C Hegde
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.04087, 2020
PriViT: Vision Transformers for Fast Private Inference
N Dhyani, J Mo, M Cho, A Joshi, S Garg, B Reagen, C Hegde
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.04604, 2023
Deep Learning Model Design Algorithms for High-Performing Plaintext and Ciphertext Inference
M Cho
New York University Tandon School of Engineering, 2022
Differentiable Design With Dynamic Programming
KO Marshall, M Cho, C Hegde
AAAI 2022 Workshop on AI for Design and Manufacturing (ADAM), 2022
Final Report for Creative Component
M Cho
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