Torkild Hovde Lyngstad
Torkild Hovde Lyngstad
Professor of sociology, University of Oslo
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A review of the antecedents of union dissolution
TH Lyngstad, M Jalovaara
Demographic research 23, 257-292, 2010
The impact of parents’ and spouses’ education on divorce rates in Norway
TH Lyngstad
Demographic Research 10 (5), 121-142, 2004
Do siblings’ fertility decisions influence each other?
TH Lyngstad, A Prskawetz
Demography 47 (4), 923-934, 2010
Shared housework in Norway and Sweden: advancing the gender revolution
E Bernhardt, T Noack, TH Lyngstad
Journal of European Social Policy 18 (3), 275, 2008
Nordic Register Data and their Untapped Potential for Criminological Knowledge
TH Lyngstad, T Skardhamar
Crime & Justice-A review of research 40, 613-645, 2011
Pooling of economic resources: A comparison of Norwegian married and cohabiting couples
TH Lyngstad, T Noack, PA Tufte
European Sociological Review 27 (5), 624-635, 2011
Accounting for genocide: How many were killed in Srebrenica?
H Brunborg, TH Lyngstad, H Urdal
European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de démographie 19, 229-248, 2003
Does marriage reduce crime?
T Skardhamar, J Savolainen, KN Aase, TH Lyngstad
Crime and Justice 44 (1), 385-446, 2015
Crime and the transition to parenthood: The role of sex and relationship context
CW Monsbakken, TH Lyngstad, T Skardhamar
British Journal of Criminology 53 (1), 129-148, 2013
Labor and love: Wives' employment and divorce risk in its socio-political context
LP Cooke, J Erola, M Evertsson, M Gähler, J Härkönen, B Hewitt, ...
Social Politics 20 (4), 482-509, 2013
Changes in criminal offending around the time of marriage
TH Lyngstad, T Skardhamar
Journal of research in crime and delinquency 50 (4), 608-615, 2013
Proceed with caution? Parents' union dissolution and children's educational achievement
W Sigle‐Rushton, TH Lyngstad, PL Andersen, Ø Kravdal
Journal of Marriage and Family 76 (1), 161-174, 2014
Dissolution risks in first and higher order marital and cohabiting unions
AR Poortman, TH Lyngstad
Social Science Research 36 (4), 1431-1446, 2007
Does childhood cancer affect parental divorce rates? A population-based study
A Syse, JH Loge, TH Lyngstad
Journal of Clinical Oncology 28 (5), 872, 2010
Why do couples with highly educated parents have higher divorce rates?
TH Lyngstad
European Sociological Review 22 (1), 49-60, 2006
Does community context have an important impact on divorce risk? A fixed-effects study of twenty Norwegian first-marriage cohorts
TH Lyngstad
European Journal of Population= Revue Européenne de Démographie 27 (1), 57, 2011
The role of internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence for adult educational attainment: Evidence from sibling comparisons using data from the Young HUNT Study
M Evensen, TH Lyngstad, O Melkevik, A Mykletun
European Sociological Review 32 (5), 552-566, 2016
Diary versus questionnaire information on time spent on housework–The case of Norway
RH Kitterød, TH Lyngstad
Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research 2 (1), 13-32, 2005
Sibling similarity in education across and within societies
M Grätz, KJ Barclay, ØN Wiborg, TH Lyngstad, A Karhula, J Erola, P Präg, ...
Demography 58 (3), 1011-1037, 2021
Bereavement and divorce: Does the death of a child affect parents' marital stability?
TH Lyngstad
Family Science 4 (1), 79-86, 2013
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Articles 1–20