Rory Coulter
Rory Coulter
Lecturer in Quantitative Human Geography, University College London
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Re-thinking residential mobility: Linking lives through time and space
R Coulter, M Ham, AM Findlay
Progress in Human Geography 40 (3), 352-374, 2016
New mobilities across the life course: A framework for analysing demographically linked drivers of migration
A Findlay, D McCollum, R Coulter, V Gayle
Population, Space and place 21 (4), 390-402, 2015
Intergenerational transmission of neighbourhood poverty: an analysis of neighbourhood histories of individuals
M Van Ham, L Hedman, D Manley, R Coulter, J Östh
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 39 (3), 402-417, 2014
What motivates residential mobility? Re‐examining self‐reported reasons for desiring and making residential moves
R Coulter, J Scott
Population, Space and Place 21 (4), 354-371, 2015
Following people through time: An analysis of individual residential mobility biographies
R Coulter, M Van Ham
Housing Studies 28 (7), 1037-1055, 2013
A longitudinal analysis of moving desires, expectations and actual moving behaviour
R Coulter, M Van Ham, P Feijten
Environment and Planning A 43 (11), 2742-2760, 2011
Spatial mobility and social outcomes
WAV Clark, M Van Ham, R Coulter
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 29, 699-727, 2014
Partner (dis) agreement on moving desires and the subsequent moving behaviour of couples
R Coulter, M van Ham, P Feijten
Population, Space and Place 18 (1), 16-30, 2012
Wishful thinking and the abandonment of moving desires over the life course
R Coulter
Environment and Planning A 45 (8), 1944-1962, 2013
Parental background and housing outcomes in young adulthood
R Coulter
Housing Studies, 2016
Who wants to move? The role of neighbourhood change
WAV Clark, R Coulter
Environment and Planning A 47 (12), 2683-2709, 2015
Family formation, parental background and young adults’ first entry into homeownership in Britain and Germany
S Bayrakdar, R Coulter, P Lersch, S Vidal
Housing Studies 34 (6), 974-996, 2019
Local house prices, parental background and young adults’ homeownership in England and Wales
R Coulter
Urban Studies 54 (14), 3360-3379, 2017
Parents, local house prices, and leaving home in Britain
S Bayrakdar, R Coulter
Population, Space and Place 24 (2), e2087, 2018
Patterns of social inequality in arts and cultural participation: Findings from a nationally representative sample of adults living in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and …
HW Mak, R Coulter, D Fancourt
Public health panorama: journal of the WHO Regional Office for Europe …, 2020
Living Apart Together and Cohabitation Intentions in Great Britain
R Coulter, Y Hu
Journal of Family Issues, 2015
Social disparities in private renting amongst young families in England and Wales, 2001-2011
R Coulter
Housing, Theory and Society 34 (3), 297-322, 2017
Living space and psychological well-being in urban China: Differentiated relationships across socio-economic gradients
Y Hu, R Coulter
Environment and Planning A 49 (4), 911-929, 2017
Exploring ethnic and generational differences in gender role attitudes among immigrant populations in Britain: the role of neighborhood ethnic composition
S Wang, R Coulter
International Migration Review 53 (4), 1121-1147, 2019
Does arts and cultural engagement vary geographically? Evidence from the UK household longitudinal study
HW Mak, R Coulter, D Fancourt
Public health 185, 119-126, 2020
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