Dr. Pierre Johansson
Dr. Pierre Johansson
Volvo Group Trucks Technology
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Current state of standardized work in automotive industry in Sweden
PEC Johansson, T Lezama, L Malmsköld, B Sjögren, LM Ahlström
Procedia CIRP 7, 151-156, 2013
Challenges of handling assembly information in global manufacturing companies
PEC Johansson, L Malmsköld, Å Fast-Berglund, L Moestam
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 31 (5), 955-976, 2020
Multi-Variant Truck Production - Product Variety and its Impact on Production Quality in Manual Assembly
PEC Johansson, S Mattsson, L Moestam, Å Fast-Berglund
Procedia CIRP 54, 245-250, 2016
Assessment Based Information Needs in Manual Assembly
PEC Johansson, G Eriksson, P Johansson, L Malmsköld, Å Fast-Berglund, ...
DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, 366-371, 2018
Enhancing Future Assembly Information Systems – Putting Theory into Practice
PEC Johansson, L Malmsköld, Å Fast-Berglund, L Moestam
Procedia Manufacturing 17 (2018), 497-498, 2018
Data and Information Handling in Assembly Information Systems – A Current State Analysis
PEC Johansson, MO Enofe, M Schwarzkopf, L Malmsköld, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 11 (2017), 2099-2106, 2017
Global Truck Production - The Importance of Having a Robust Manufacturing Preparation Process
PEC Johansson, F Delin, S Jansson, L Moestam, Å Fast-Berglund
Procedia CIRP 57, 631–636, 2017
A Teaching Factory knowledge exchange network
H Bikas, PEC Johansson, R Di Falco, J Stavridis, E Niemi, Z Azpilgain, ...
Proceedings of the conference on learning factories (CLF), 2021
Use of Assembly Information in Global Production Networks
PEC Johansson, Å Fast-Berglund, L Moestam
Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM2015 2015, 258-265, 2015
Creating Strategies for Global Assembly Instructions – Current State Analysis
Å Fast-Berglund, M Åkerman, S Mattsson, PEC Johansson, A Malm, ...
The sixth Swedish Production Symposium 2014, 2014
Managing product and production variety–a language workbench approach
AH Ebrahimi, PEC Johansson, K Bengtsson, K Åkesson
Procedia CIRP 17, 338-344, 2014
Direct deammonification–a novel cost-effective biological removal process for nitrogen rich wastewater
A Hippen, P Johansson, M Beier, CF Seyfried, KH Rosenwinkel
Nitrogen-fjerning og biologisk fosfor-fjerning, 1999
Integration of Simulation and Manufacturing Engineering Software–Allowing Work Place Optimization Based on Time and Ergonomic Parameters
O Ljung, A Iriondo Pascual, D Högberg, N Delfs, T Forsberg, P Johansson, ...
DHM2020, 342-347, 2020
Challenges in Global Multi-Variant Serial Production - A Study of Manufacturing Engineering Processes
PEC Johansson
Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Product and Production …, 2016
Formal analysis of product variability and the effects on assembly operations
AH Ebrahimi, K Åkesson, PEC Johansson, T Lezama
2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2015
Automated Analysis of Interdependencies Between Product Platforms and Assembly Operations
AH Ebrahimi, K Åkesson, PEC Johansson, T Lezama
Procedia CIRP 44, 67-72, 2016
Future Assembly Information Systems–Redefining the Manufacturing Systems of Tomorrow
PEC Johansson
PQDT-Global, 2018
Assessment of information needs in manual assembly
G Eriksson, P Johansson
Manufacturing execution system demonstrator platform
R Oliveira, P Johansson
Master’s thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 2011
Challenges in Flexible Manufacturing Technologies for the Final Assembly in the Commercial Vehicle Industry
T Demiral, J Bock, P Johansson
Tehnički glasnik 17 (2), 260-267, 2023
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Articles 1–20