Dany Moshkovich
Dany Moshkovich
IBM Research
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Cited by
Adapting novelty to classical planning as heuristic search
M Katz, N Lipovetzky, D Moshkovich, A Tuisov
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2017
Location and context-based microservices for mobile and internet of things workloads
P Bak, R Melamed, D Moshkovich, Y Nardi, H Ship, A Yaeli
2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services, 1-8, 2015
Merwin planner: Mercury enchanced with novelty heuristic
M Katz, N Lipovetzky, D Moshkovich, A Tuisov
IPC 2018 planner abstracts, 53-56, 2018
Enhancing functional tests coverage using traceability and static analysis
J Bnayahu, M Goldstein, D Moshkovich, M Nisenson, Y Simionovici, S Ur
US Patent App. 12/768,764, 2011
System grokking–a novel approach for software understanding, validation, and evolution
M Goldstein, D Moshkovich
Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems: 7th International …, 2009
Real-time update of a mobile workforce schedule
J Bnayahu, M Katz, V Lipets, M Masin, D Moshkovich, DC Selman, ...
US Patent App. 15/286,577, 2018
Automatic solution to a scheduling problem
M Katz, V Lipets, M Masin, D Moshkovich, SE Wasserkrug
US Patent 10,430,739, 2019
Improving software through automatic untangling of cyclic dependencies
M Goldstein, D Moshkovich
Companion Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software …, 2014
An empirical investigation of changes in some software properties over time
J Gil, M Goldstein, D Moshkovich
2012 9th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 227-236, 2012
Modernizing legacy software using a System Grokking technology
Y Dajsuren, M Goldstein, D Moshkovich
2010 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 1-7, 2010
Determining functional design/requirements coverage of a computer code
J Bnayahu, M Goldstein, D Moshkovich, M Nisenson, Y Simionovici, S Ur
US Patent 8,972,938, 2015
Determining functional design/requirements coverage of a computer code
J Bnayahu, M Goldstein, D Moshkovich, M Nisenson, Y Simionovici, S Ur
US Patent App. 12/768,761, 2011
Readable structural text-based representation of activity flows
T Bentov, S Kallner, D Moshkovich, B Prasad, R Ray, Y Rubin
US Patent 10,346,516, 2019
Efficient data storage utilization and recycling by gradual data degradation
I Goldberg, D Moshkovich, T Muehge, E Rueger, N Sondhi
US Patent 10,002,137, 2018
Semi-black box: rapid development of planning based solutions
M Katz, D Moshkovich, E Karpas
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Enhancing functional tests coverage using traceability and static analysis
J Bnayahu, M Goldstein, D Moshkovich, M Nisenson, Y Simionovici, S Or
US Patent 8,954,936, 2015
Semantic intensity based decomposition of software systems
D Moshkovich, A Rubinstein
US Patent 8,769,515, 2014
How much information do software metrics contain?
Y Gil, M Goldstein, D Moshkovich
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Evaluation and usability of …, 2011
Artificial intelligence planning instantiation using natural language processing
J Bnayahu, M Katz, D Moshkovich, M Salamah, Y Tsitrin
US Patent App. 16/144,099, 2020
Automatic untangling cyclic dependencies in software systems
M Goldstein, D Moshkovich
US Patent 9,348,583, 2016
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20