Amy R. Poteete
Cited by
Cited by
Working together: Collective action, the Commons, and Multiple Methods in Practice
AR Poteete, MA Janssen, E Ostrom
Working Together: Collective Action, the Commons, and Multiple Methods in …, 2010
Heterogeneity, group size and collective action: The role of institutions in forest management
AR Poteete, E Ostrom
Development and change 35 (3), 435-461, 2004
In pursuit of comparable concepts and data about collective action
AR Poteete, E Ostrom
Agricultural systems 82 (3), 215-232, 2004
Fifteen years of empirical research on collective action in natural resource management: struggling to build large-N databases based on qualitative research
AR Poteete, E Ostrom
World Development 36 (1), 176-195, 2008
Repertoires of domination: Decentralization as process in Botswana and Senegal
AR Poteete, JC Ribot
World Development 39 (3), 439-449, 2011
Trabajar juntos: acción colectiva, bienes comunes y múltiples métodos en la práctica
A Poteete, M Janssen, E Ostrom, ...
SECCION DE OBRAS DE ECONOMIA (Fondo de Cultura Económica (México …, 2012
Is development path dependent or political? A reinterpretation of mineral-dependent development in Botswana
AR Poteete
The Journal of Development Studies 45 (4), 544-571, 2009
Levels, scales, linkages, and other ‘multiples’ affecting natural resources
A Poteete
International Journal of the Commons 6 (2), 134-150, 2012
An institutional approach to the study of forest resources
A Poteete, E Ostrom
Human Impacts on Tropical Forest Biodiversity Genetic Resources: A Synthesis …, 2002
Defining political community and rights to natural resources in Botswana
AR Poteete
Development and Change 40 (2), 281-305, 2009
Institutional development in the face of complexity: developing rules for managing forest resources
AR Poteete, D Welch
Human ecology 32, 279-311, 2004
Trabalho em parceria: ação coletiva, bens comuns e múltiplos métodos
AR Poteete, E Ostrom, MA Janssen
São Paulo: Editora Senac, 2011
Trabajar juntos
A Poteete, M Janssen, E Ostrom
Acción colectiva, bienes comunes y múltiples métodos en la práctica 1, 2012
Electoral competition, factionalism, and persistent party dominance in Botswana
AR Poteete
The Journal of Modern African Studies 50 (1), 75-102, 2012
Ideas, interests, and institutions: Challenging the property rights paradigm in Botswana
AR Poteete
Governance 16 (4), 527-557, 2003
Is Decentralization a Reliable means of increasing equity?
AR Poteete
tenth biennial conference of the international association for the study of …, 2004
Renegotiation of executive powers and executive-legislative relations in Botswana
A Poteete
APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper, 2010
Pushing the frontiers of the theory of collective action and the commons
AR Poteete, MA Janssen, E Ostrom
Working together: collective action, the commons, and multiple methods in …, 2010
Bridging the Quantitative-Qualitative Divide: Strategies for Building Large-N Databases Based on Qualitative Research
AR Poteete, E Ostrom
Political Methodology Working Paper Series of the IPSA Committee on Concepts …, 2005
When professionalism clashes with local particularities: Ecology, elections and procedural arrangements in Botswana
AR Poteete
Journal of Southern African Studies 29 (2), 461-485, 2003
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Articles 1–20