Stefan Gustafsson
Stefan Gustafsson
Associate Professor in applied mathematics Malmö University
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Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations with spectroscopic accuracy: applications to astrophysics
P Jönsson, G Gaigalas, P Rynkun, L Radžiūtė, J Ekman, S Gustafsson, ...
Atoms 5 (2), 16, 2017
Relativistic CI calculations of spectroscopic data for the 2p6 and 2p53l configurations in Ne-like ions between Mg III and Kr XXVII
P Jönsson, P Bengtsson, J Ekman, S Gustafsson, LB Karlsson, ...
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 100 (1), 1-154, 2014
Diffusion on a flexible surface
S Gustafsson, B Halle
The Journal of chemical physics 106 (5), 1880-1887, 1997
Group theoretical analysis of nuclear spin relaxation in liquid crystals and molecular solids
S Gustafsson, B Halle
Molecular Physics 80 (3), 549-582, 1993
A new mathematical model for chemotactic bacterial colony growth
E Alpkvist, NC Overgaard, S Gustafsson, A Heyden
Water Science and Technology 49 (11-12), 187-192, 2004
Orientational correlations and spin relaxation in lamellar fluid membrane phases
B Halle, S Gustafsson
Physical Review E 56 (1), 690, 1997
Nuclear magnetic resonance and x-ray study of a rectangular phase
S Gustafsson, PO Quist
Journal of colloid and interface science 180 (2), 564-573, 1996
A program for computing weak and intermediate field Zeeman splittings from MCHF wave functions
P Jönsson, S Gustafsson
Computer physics communications 144 (2), 188-199, 2002
Diffusion in a fluctuating random geometry
B Halle, S Gustafsson
Physical Review E 55 (1), 680, 1997
Molecular segregation and aggregate shape in a lyotropic rectangular phase
S Gustafsson, PO Quist, B Halle
Liquid Crystals 18 (4), 545-553, 1995
Spin relaxation by collective director fluctuations and molecular diffusion in lamellar phases. Continuum theory of relaxation anisotropy and dispersion
S Gustafsson, B Halle
The Journal of chemical physics 106 (22), 9337-9352, 1997
Spin relaxation by diffusion on biaxial rods
S Gustafsson, B Halle
The Journal of chemical physics 107 (5), 1460-1469, 1997
Massive Calculations of Atomic Properties with High Accuracy for Boron-like Iron and other Ions of Astrophysical Interest
J Ekman, P Jönsson, S Gustafsson, H Hartman, R du Rietz, G Gaigalas, ...
International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions …, 2013
Atomic Data and Stark Broadening Parameters for Sn II and Sn III
J Grumer, J Li, J Ekman, S Gustafsson, S Verdebout, M Godefroid, ...
International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions …, 2013
Production of atomic data using relativistic multiconfiguration methods
P Jönsson, P Rynkun, G Gaigalas, J Bieron, C Froese Fischer, ...
International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications …, 2010
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Spin Relaxation in Amphiphilic Liquid Crystals
S Gustafsson
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