Gregg A. Muragishi
Gregg A. Muragishi
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Cited by
From bench to bedside: A communal utility value intervention to enhance students’ biomedical science motivation.
ER Brown, JL Smith, DB Thoman, JM Allen, G Muragishi
Journal of educational psychology 107 (4), 1116, 2015
To grab and to hold: Cultivating communal goals to overcome cultural and structural barriers in first-generation college students’ science interest.
JM Allen, GA Muragishi, JL Smith, DB Thoman, ER Brown
Translational Issues in Psychological Science 1 (4), 331, 2015
Research microcultures as socialization contexts for underrepresented science students
DB Thoman, GA Muragishi, JL Smith
Psychological science 28 (6), 760-773, 2017
Where and with whom does a brief social-belonging intervention promote progress in college?
GM Walton, MC Murphy, C Logel, DS Yeager, JP Goyer, ST Brady, ...
Science 380 (6644), 499-505, 2023
Microinclusions: Treating women as respected work partners increases a sense of fit in technology companies.
GA Muragishi, L Aguilar, PB Carr, GM Walton
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2023
Perceived Faculty Support in Freshman Year Boosts First-Generation College Students' Belonging and Persistence in Science.
G Lee, C Curti, J Zambrano, GA Muragishi, D Thoman
AERA Online Paper Repository, 2017
Masculine Defaults in Academic Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Fields
A Garr-Schultz, GA Muragishi, TA Mortejo, S Cheryan
Psychological Science in the Public Interest 24 (1), 1-9, 2023
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Articles 1–7