Frances M. Deegan
Frances M. Deegan
Uppsala University, Sweden; INGV Rome, Italy
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Magma–Carbonate Interaction Processes and Associated CO2 Release at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia: Insights from Experimental Petrology
FM Deegan, VR Troll, C Freda, V Misiti, JP Chadwick, CL McLeod, ...
Journal of Petrology 51 (5), 1027-1051, 2010
Crustal CO2 liberation during the 2006 eruption and earthquake events at Merapi volcano, Indonesia
VR Troll, DR Hilton, EM Jolis, JP Chadwick, LS Blythe, FM Deegan, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (11), 2012
The 2021 eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcanic ridge on La Palma, canary islands
JC Carracedo, VR Troll, JMD Day, H Geiger, M Aulinas, V Soler, ...
Geology Today 38 (3), 94-107, 2022
Hydrothermal alteration of andesitic lava domes can lead to explosive volcanic behaviour
MJ Heap, VR Troll, ARL Kushnir, HA Gilg, ASD Collinson, FM Deegan, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5063, 2019
An integrative research framework to unravel the interplay of natural hazards and vulnerabilities
G Di Baldassarre, D Nohrstedt, J Mård, S Burchardt, C Albin, ...
Earth's Future 6 (3), 305-310, 2018
Floating stones off El Hierro, Canary Islands: xenoliths of pre-island sedimentary origin in the early products of the October 2011 eruption
VR Troll, A Klügel, MA Longpré, S Burchardt, FM Deegan, JC Carracedo, ...
Solid Earth 3 (1), 97-110, 2012
Magmatic differentiation processes at Merapi Volcano: inclusion petrology and oxygen isotopes
VR Troll, FM Deegan, EM Jolis, C Harris, JP Chadwick, R Gertisser, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 261, 38-49, 2013
Magmatic water contents determined through clinopyroxene: Examples from the W estern C anary I slands, S pain
FA Weis, H Skogby, VR Troll, FM Deegan, B Dahren
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (7), 2127-2146, 2015
Experimental simulation of magma–carbonate interaction beneath Mt. Vesuvius, Italy
EM Jolis, C Freda, VR Troll, FM Deegan, LS Blythe, CL McLeod, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 166, 1335-1353, 2013
Ancient oral tradition describes volcano–earthquake interaction at merapi volcano, indonesia
VR Troll, FM Deegan, EM Jolis, DA Budd, B Dahren, LM Schwarzkopf
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 97 (1), 137-166, 2015
The 2011–2012 submarine eruption off El Hierro, Canary Islands: New lessons in oceanic island growth and volcanic crisis management
JC Carracedo, VR Troll, K Zaczek, A Rodríguez-González, V Soler, ...
Earth Science Reviews 150, 168-200, 2015
Magma mixing in the 1100 AD Montaña Reventada composite lava flow, Tenerife, Canary Islands: interaction between rift zone and central volcano plumbing systems
S Wiesmaier, FM Deegan, VR Troll, JC Carracedo, JP Chadwick, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162, 651-669, 2011
Mantle source characteristics and magmatic processes during the 2021 La Palma eruption
JMD Day, VR Troll, M Aulinas, FM Deegan, H Geiger, JC Carracedo, ...
Earth and planetary science letters 597, 117793, 2022
The thermal properties of porous andesite
MJ Heap, ARL Kushnir, J Vasseur, FB Wadsworth, P Harlé, P Baud, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 398, 106901, 2020
CO2 bubble generation and migration during magma–carbonate interaction
LS Blythe, FM Deegan, C Freda, EM Jolis, M Masotta, V Misiti, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 169, 1-16, 2015
Volatile dilution during magma injections and implications for volcano explosivity
M Cassidy, JM Castro, C Helo, VR Troll, FM Deegan, D Muir, DA Neave, ...
Geology 44 (12), 1027-1030, 2016
Nannofossils in 2011 El Hierro eruptive products reinstate plume model for Canary Islands
K Zaczek, VR Troll, M Cachao, J Ferreira, FM Deegan, JC Carracedo, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 7945, 2015
Dykes and structures of the NE rift of Tenerife, Canary Islands: a record of stabilisation and destabilisation of ocean island rift zones
A Delcamp, VR Troll, B Van Wyk de Vries, JC Carracedo, MS Petronis, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 963-980, 2012
Pyroxene standards for SIMS oxygen isotope analysis and their application to Merapi volcano, Sunda arc, Indonesia
FM Deegan, MJ Whitehouse, VR Troll, DA Budd, C Harris, H Geiger, ...
Chemical Geology 447, 1-10, 2016
Magmatic and metasomatic effects of magma–carbonate interaction recorded in calc-silicate xenoliths from Merapi volcano (Indonesia)
S Whitley, R Halama, R Gertisser, K Preece, FM Deegan, VR Troll
Journal of Petrology 61 (4), egaa048, 2020
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