Joakim Lilliesköld
Joakim Lilliesköld
Assistant Professor, The Royal Institute if Technology - KTH
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Cited by
Quantifying success factors for IT projects—an expert-based Bayesian model
L Gingnell, U Franke, R Lagerström, E Ericsson, J Lilliesköld
Information systems management 31 (1), 21-36, 2014
Handbok för mindre projekt
M Eriksson, J Lilliesköld
I: Första upplagan 3, 2004
Images as action instruments in complex projects
L Taxén, J Lilliesköld
International Journal of Project Management 26 (5), 527-536, 2008
How to manage complex, multinational R&D projects successfully
M Eriksson, J Lilliesköld, N Jonsson, D Novosel
Engineering Management Journal 14 (2), 53-60, 2002
Successful management of complex, multinational R&D projects
N Jonsson, D Novosel, J Lillieskold, M Eriksson
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2001
Handbok för mindre projekt
J Lilliesköld, M Eriksson
Liber, 2005
Manifesting Shared Affordances in System Development–the System Anatomy
L Taxén, J Lilliesköld
ALOIS 2005 26 (5), 28-47, 2005
Implementing Design for Six Sigma in large Swedish product developing organisations–an interview study
E Ericsson, L Gingnell, J Lilliesköld
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 26 (5-6), 648-660, 2015
IT project success factors: An experience report
LM Von Würtemberg, U Franke, R Lagerström, E Ericsson, J Lilliesköld
2011 Proceedings of PICMET'11: Technology Management in the Energy Smart …, 2011
The System anatomy: enabling Agile project management
L Taxén
Studentlitteratur AB, 2011
Abstract model of LPD: A critical review of the Lean Product Development concept
LM Von Würtemberg, J Lilliesköld, E Ericsson
2011 Proceedings of PICMET'11: Technology Management in the Energy Smart …, 2011
Designing, implementing and maintaining a first year project course in electrical engineering
J Lilliesköld, S Östlund
European Journal of Engineering Education 33 (2), 231-242, 2008
The ‘new’new normal—digitalization and hybridization of work and education before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic
J Gulliksen, J Lilliesköld, S Stenbom
Interacting with Computers 35 (5), 691-706, 2023
Identifying weaknesses in the design for six sigma concept through a pedagogical structure
E Ericsson, J Lilliesköld
2012 Proceedings of PICMET'12: Technology Management for Emerging …, 2012
DFSS–evolution or revolution? A study of critical effects related to successful implementation of DFSS
E Ericsson, P Gustafsson, J Lilliesköld, L Sörqvist
Proceedings of ICQSS conference 2009, 2009
Identifying IT impacts on organizational structure and business value
P Gustafsson, U Franke, P Johnson, J Lilliesköld
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Business/IT Alignment and …, 2008
Managing complex development projects–using the system anatomy
J Lilliesköld, L Taxén, M Karlsson, M Klasson
Portland International Conference on Management of Technology and …, 2005
Usage-based auto insurance on the Swedish market: a case study
D Pettersson, J Lilliesköld, P Händel, J Agerman
2019 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and …, 2019
Abstract model of LPD: A critical review of the lean product development concept
L Würtemberg, J Lilliesköld, E Ericsson
2011 Proceedings of PICMET ‘11: Technology Management in The Energy-Smart …, 2011
Managing Complex IT-Projects: A Need for a Tool Addressing Technical and Organizational Complexity
J Lilliesköld, M Ekstedt
17th Nordic Conference on Business Studies (NFF), Reykjavik, Iceland, 2003., 2003
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Articles 1–20