Takahiro Tsukahara
Takahiro Tsukahara
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science
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DNS of turbulent channel flow at very low Reynolds numbers
T Tsukahara, Y Seki, H Kawamura, D Tochio
Fourth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 2005
DNS of turbulent Couette flow with emphasis on the large-scale structure in the core region
T Tsukahara, H Kawamura, K Shingai
Journal of Turbulence, N19, 2006
Flow regimes in a plane Couette flow with system rotation
T Tsukahara, N Tillmark, PH Alfredsson
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 648, 5-33, 2010
Transitional structures in annular Poiseuille flow depending on radius ratio
T Ishida, Y Duguet, T Tsukahara
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 794, R2, 2016
Turbulence stripe in transitional channel flow with/without system rotation
T Tsukahara, Y Kawaguchi, H Kawamura, N Tillmark, PH Alfredsson
Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition: Proceedings of the …, 2010
DNS study on viscoelastic effect in drag-reduced turbulent channel flow
T Tsukahara, T Ishigami, B Yu, Y Kawaguchi
Journal of Turbulence, N13, 2011
An experimental study on turbulent-stripe structure in transitional channel flow
S Hashimoto, A Hasobe, T Tsukahara, Y Kawaguchi, H Kawamura
Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International …, 2009
DNS of heat transfer in a transitional channel flow accompanied by a turbulent puff-like structure
T Tsukahara, K Iwamoto, H Kawamura, T Takeda
Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer 5. Proceedings of the International …, 2006
DNS of viscoelastic turbulent channel flow with rectangular orifice at low Reynolds number
T Tsukahara, T Kawase, Y Kawaguchi
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 32 (3), 529-538, 2011
PIV and DNS analyses of viscoelastic turbulent flows behind a rectangular orifice
T Tsukahara, M Motozawa, D Tsurumi, Y Kawaguchi
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 41, 66-79, 2013
Visualization and laser measurements on the flow field and sand movement on sand dunes with porous fences
T Tsukahara, Y Sakamoto, D Aoshima, M Yamamoto, Y Kawaguchi
Experiments in fluids 52, 877-890, 2012
Turbulent bifurcations in intermittent shear flows: from puffs to oblique stripes
T Ishida, Y Duguet, T Tsukahara
Physical Review Fluids 2 (7), 073902, 2017
Reconstruction of scalar source intensity based on sensor signal in turbulent channel flow
D Cerizza, W Sekiguchi, T Tsukahara, TA Zaki, Y Hasegawa
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 97, 1211-1233, 2016
Laminar–turbulent coexistence in annular Couette flow
K Kunii, T Ishida, Y Duguet, T Tsukahara
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 879, 579-603, 2019
DNS of Taylor–Couette flow between counter-rotating cylinders at small radius ratio
R Tanaka, T Kawata, T Tsukahara
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied …, 2018
Characteristic turbulent structure of a modified drag-reduced surfactant solution flow via dosing water from channel wall
Z Fu, Y Iwaki, M Motozawa, T Tsukahara, Y Kawaguchi
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 53, 135-145, 2015
An experimental study on turbulent-stripe structure in transitional channel flow
T Tsukahara, Y Kawaguchi, H Kawamura
arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.1378, 2014
Turbulent heat transfer in a channel flow at transitional Reynolds numbers
T Tsukahara, H Kawamura
arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.0959, 2014
Heat transfer of transitional regime with helical turbulence in annular flow
T Fukuda, T Tsukahara
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 82, 108555, 2020
Structures and turbulent statistics in a rotating plane Couette flow
T Tsukahara
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 318 (2), 022024, 2011
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Articles 1–20