Andreas Holmberg
Andreas Holmberg
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Cited by
Accurate experimental two-port analysis of flow generated sound
A Holmberg, M Åbom, H Bodén
Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (26), 6336-6354, 2011
A frequency domain linearized Navier–Stokes method including acoustic damping by eddy viscosity using RANS
A Holmberg, A Kierkegaard, C Weng
Journal of Sound and Vibration 346, 229-247, 2015
Aeroacoustics of rectangular t-junctions subject to combined grazing and bias flows–an experimental investigation
A Holmberg, M Karlsson, M Åbom
Journal of Sound and vibration 340, 152-166, 2015
Kyrka i nytt landskap: en studie av levd ecklesiologi i Svenska kyrkan
A Holmberg
Artos & Norma Bokförlag, 2019
Sound amplification at a rectangular t-junction with merging mean flows
L Du, A Holmberg, M Karlsson, M Åbom
Journal of Sound and Vibration 367, 69-83, 2016
Experimental determination of the aero-acoustic properties of an in-duct flexible plate
M Karlsson, A Holmberg, M Åbom, B Fallenius, J Fransson
14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (29th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference …, 2008
Experimental Techniques for Aeroacoustics in Low Mach Number Confined Flows: Keynote Paper
H Bodén, S Allam, A Holmberg, M Åbom
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 18-20 December 2011 …, 2011
Adaptive stabilized finite element framework for simulation of vocal fold turbulent fluid-structure interaction
J Jansson, A Holmberg, R Vilela de Abreu, C Degirmenci, J Hoffman, ...
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19 (1), 2013
Aeroacoustic Characterization using Multiport Methods
A Holmberg
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2012
Experimental Determination of Aeracoustic Sources in Low Mach Number Internal Flows
A Holmberg
KTH, 2010
The effect of grazing-bias flow on the self sustained oscillations in a side branch
A Holmberg, M Karlsson
20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010-Incorporating the …, 2010
The Error Supression of an Experimental Over-Determination of In-Duct Flow Noise Sources
A Holmberg, M Åbom, H Bodén
16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 3811, 2010
Aircraft environmental control systems: Experimental study of aeroacoustic installation effects between an axial fan and a diaphragm
K Kucukcoskun, J Christophe, C Schram, A Holmberg
15th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating …, 2014
On the use of linear aeroacoustic methods to predict whistling in flow duct systems
M Karlsson, A Holmberg, M Abom, A Kierkegaard
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 244 (1), 359-365, 2012
Gymnasieläraren, kunskapen och lärandet: en empirisk undersökning om gymnasielärares kunskaps-och lärandesyn
A Holmberg, N Korva
A test rig and experimental procedure to determine the aero-acoustic properties of a splitter plate
A Holmberg, S Boij, M Karlsson
16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2009
An aero-acoustic study of an in-duct flexible plate
A Holmberg
Stockholm: Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2008
Laver-orten som försvann
A Holmberg, N Korva
Påverkar kontexten?: En empirisk studie om flerspråkiga elevers arbete med textbaserade problemlösningsuppgifter.
W Olin, A Holmberg
Radera inte språket: En systematisk litteraturstudie om problemlösning i det flerspråkiga lågstadieklassrummet
W Olin, A Holmberg
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Articles 1–20