Gerald Kalt
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Cited by
A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part II: synthesizing the insights
H Haberl, D Wiedenhofer, D Virág, G Kalt, B Plank, P Brockway, ...
Environmental research letters 15 (6), 065003, 2020
A transition to which bioeconomy? An exploration of diverging techno-political choices
D Hausknost, E Schriefl, C Lauk, G Kalt
Sustainability 9 (4), 669, 2017
A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part I: bibliometric and conceptual mapping
D Wiedenhofer, D Virág, G Kalt, B Plank, J Streeck, M Pichler, A Mayer, ...
Environmental research letters 15 (6), 063002, 2020
Conceptualizing energy services: A review of energy and well-being along the Energy Service Cascade
G Kalt, D Wiedenhofer, C Görg, H Haberl
Energy Research & Social Science 53, 47-58, 2019
Food systems in a zero-deforestation world: Dietary change is more important than intensification for climate targets in 2050
MC Theurl, C Lauk, G Kalt, A Mayer, K Kaltenegger, TG Morais, ...
Science of The Total Environment 735, 139353, 2020
Regional energy autarky: Potentials, costs and consequences for an Austrian region
J Schmidt, M Schönhart, M Biberacher, T Guggenberger, S Hausl, G Kalt, ...
Energy Policy 47, 211-221, 2012
Assessing the economic efficiency of bioenergy technologies in climate mitigation and fossil fuel replacement in Austria using a techno-economic approach
G Kalt, L Kranzl
Applied Energy 88 (11), 3665-3684, 2011
Natural climate solutions versus bioenergy: Can carbon benefits of natural succession compete with bioenergy from short rotation coppice?
G Kalt, A Mayer, MC Theurl, C Lauk, KH Erb, H Haberl
Gcb Bioenergy 11 (11), 1283-1297, 2019
Greenhouse gas implications of mobilizing agricultural biomass for energy: a reassessment of global potentials in 2050 under different food-system pathways
G Kalt, C Lauk, A Mayer, MC Theurl, K Kaltenegger, W Winiwarter, KH Erb, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (3), 034066, 2020
Agroecological practices in combination with healthy diets can help meet EU food system policy targets
E Röös, A Mayer, A Muller, G Kalt, S Ferguson, KH Erb, R Hart, S Matej, ...
Science of The Total Environment 847, 157612, 2022
Material stocks in global electricity infrastructures–An empirical analysis of the power sector's stock-flow-service nexus
G Kalt, P Thunshirn, D Wiedenhofer, F Krausmann, W Haas, H Haberl
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 173, 105723, 2021
Transformation scenarios towards a low-carbon bioeconomy in Austria
G Kalt, M Baumann, C Lauk, T Kastner, L Kranzl, F Schipfer, M Lexer, ...
Energy Strategy Reviews 13, 125-133, 2016
Energieautarkie für Österreich 2050
W Streicher, H Schnitzer, M Titz, F Tatzber, R Heimrath, I Wetz, ...
Feasibility Study. Endbericht. Klima-und Energiefonds, Wien, 2010
The stock-flow-service nexus of personal mobility in an urban context: Vienna, Austria
D Virág, D Wiedenhofer, W Haas, H Haberl, G Kalt, F Krausmann
Environmental Development 41, 100628, 2022
Biomass streams in Austria: Drawing a complete picture of biogenic material flows within the national economy
G Kalt
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 95, 100-111, 2015
Regional self-sufficiency: A multi-dimensional analysis relating agricultural production and consumption in the European Union
L Kaufmann, A Mayer, S Matej, G Kalt, C Lauk, MC Theurl, KH Erb
Sustainable Production and Consumption 34, 12-25, 2022
Material requirements of global electricity sector pathways to 2050 and associated greenhouse gas emissions
G Kalt, P Thunshirn, F Krausmann, H Haberl
Journal of Cleaner Production 358, 132014, 2022
Applying the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production framework to map provisioning ecosystem services and their relation to ecosystem functioning across the European Union
A Mayer, L Kaufmann, G Kalt, S Matej, MC Theurl, TG Morais, A Leip, ...
Ecosystem services 51, 101344, 2021
Carbon dynamics and GHG implications of increasing wood construction: long-term scenarios for residential buildings in Austria
G Kalt
Carbon Management 9 (3), 265-275, 2018
Renewable energy in the heating sector in Austria with particular reference to the region of Upper Austria
L Kranzl, G Kalt, A Müller, M Hummel, C Egger, C Öhlinger, G Dell
Energy policy 59, 17-31, 2013
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Articles 1–20