Piyush Upadhyay
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Effects of thermal boundary conditions in friction stir welded AA7050-T7 sheets
P Upadhyay, AP Reynolds
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (6), 1537-1543, 2010
Evaluation of intermetallic compound layer at aluminum/steel interface joined by friction stir scribe technology
T Wang, H Sidhar, RS Mishra, Y Hovanski, P Upadhyay, B Carlson
Materials & Design 174, 107795, 2019
Effect of backing plate thermal property on friction stir welding of 25-mm-thick AA6061
P Upadhyay, A Reynolds
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 2091-2100, 2014
High-speed friction-stir welding to enable aluminum tailor-welded blanks
Y Hovanski, P Upadhyay, J Carsley, T Luzanski, B Carlson, ...
Jom 67, 1045-1053, 2015
Effects of forge axis force and backing plate thermal diffusivity on FSW of AA6056
P Upadhyay, AP Reynolds
Materials Science and Engineering: A 558, 394-402, 2012
High-Speed Friction Stir Welding of AA7075-T6 Sheet: Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, Micro-texture, and Thermal History
J Zhang, P Upadhyay, Y Hovanski, DP Field
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49 (1), 210-222, 2018
Friction stir scribe welding technique for dissimilar joining of aluminium and galvanised steel
T Wang, H Sidhar, RS Mishra, Y Hovanski, P Upadhyay, B Carlson
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 23 (3), 249-255, 2018
Study of combined effect of sand erosion and cavitation in hydraulic turbines
B Thapa, P Chaudhary, OG Dahlhaug, P Upadhyay
International Conference on Small Hydropower-Hydro Sri Lanka 22, 24, 2007
Effect of hook characteristics on the fracture behaviour of dissimilar friction stir welded aluminium alloy and mild steel sheets
T Wang, H Sidhar, RS Mishra, Y Hovanski, P Upadhyay, B Carlson
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 24 (2), 178-184, 2019
Investigating barriers toward the implementation of circular economy: A fuzzy critic approach
A Haleem, S Khan, H Pundir, A Jain, P Upadhyay, MI Khan
Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 6 (01), 107-139, 2021
Thermal management in friction-stir welding of precipitation-hardened aluminum alloys
P Upadhyay, AP Reynolds
Jom 67, 1022-1031, 2015
Effect of interfacial characteristics on magnesium to steel joint obtained using FAST
T Wang, D Ramírez-Tamayo, X Jiang, P Kitsopoulos, W Kuang, V Gupta, ...
Materials & Design 192, 108697, 2020
A review of technologies for welding magnesium alloys to steels
T Wang, P Upadhyay, S Whalen
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green …, 2021
Determining cohesive parameters for modeling interfacial fracture in dissimilar-metal friction stir welded joints
SS Kulkarni, V Gupta, A Ortiz, H Das, P Upadhyay, E Barker, D Herling
International Journal of Solids and Structures 216, 200-210, 2021
Mechanical and microstructural characterization of AZ31 magnesium‑carbon fiber reinforced polymer joint obtained by friction stir interlocking technique
T Wang, L Li, MR Pallaka, H Das, S Whalen, A Soulami, P Upadhyay, ...
Materials & Design 198, 109305, 2021
Joining dissimilar materials using friction stir scribe technique
P Upadhyay, Y Hovanski, S Jana, LS Fifield
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 139 (3), 034501, 2017
HVOF coatings for erosion resistance of hydraulic turbines: Experience of Kaligandaki-A Hydropower Plant
B Thapa, P Upadhyay, OG Dahlhaug, M Timsina, R Basnet
Water resources and renewable energy development in Asia, 2008
Investigation of interfacial layer for friction stir scribe welded aluminum to steel joints
K Wang, P Upadhyay, Y Wang, J Li, X Sun, T Roosendaal
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 140 (11), 111005, 2018
Linking process and structure in the friction stir scribe joining of dissimilar materials: A computational approach with experimental support
V Gupta, P Upadhyay, LS Fifield, T Roosendaal, X Sun, P Nelaturu, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 32, 615-624, 2018
Friction stir lap welding of aluminum—Polymer using scribe technology
P Upadhyay, Y Hovanski, LS Fifield, KL Simmons
Friction stir welding and processing VIII, 153-161, 2016
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Articles 1–20