Shali Jiang
Shali Jiang
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Cited by
D-VAE: A Variational Autoencoder for Directed Acyclic Graphs
M Zhang, S Jiang, Z Cui, R Garnett, Y Chen
NeurIPS 2019, 2019
Beyond link prediction: Predicting hyperlinks in adjacency space
M Zhang, Z Cui, S Jiang, Y Chen
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Efficient approximation of cross-validation for kernel methods using Bouligand influence function
Y Liu, S Jiang, S Liao
International conference on machine learning, 324-332, 2014
BINOCULARS for efficient, nonmyopic sequential experimental design
S Jiang, H Chai, J Gonzalez, R Garnett
International Conference on Machine Learning, 4794-4803, 2020
Efficient Nonmyopic Bayesian Optimization via One-Shot Multi-Step Trees
S Jiang, DR Jiang, M Balandat, B Karrer, JR Gardner, R Garnett
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.15779, 2020
Efficient Nonmyopic Active Search
S Jiang, G Malkomes, G Converse, A Shofner, B Moseley, R Garnett
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning 70 …, 2017
Fast cross-validation for kernel-based algorithms
Y Liu, S Liao, S Jiang, L Ding, H Lin, W Wang
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 42 (5), 1083-1096, 2019
Efficient nonmyopic batch active search
S Jiang, G Malkomes, M Abbott, B Moseley, R Garnett
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2018
Cost effective active search
S Jiang, R Garnett, B Moseley
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Eigenvalues perturbation of integral operator for kernel selection
Y Liu, S Jiang, S Liao
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information …, 2013
Efficient nonmyopic active search with applications in drug and materials discovery
S Jiang, G Malkomes, B Moseley, R Garnett
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.08871, 2018
Nearly optimal risk bounds for kernel k-means
Y Liu, L Ding, H Zhang, W Ren, X Zhang, S Jiang, X Liu, W Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.03888, 2020
Efficient Nonmyopic Sequential Experimental Design
S Jiang
Washington University in St. Louis, 2020
Health identification of traditional Chinese medicine with tongue images
C Feng, S Jiang, H Wang, S Liao
2013 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 1, 398-399, 2013
BINOCULARS for Efficient, Nonmyopic Sequential Experimental Design: Supplementary Material
S Jiang, H Chai, J Gonzalez, R Garnett
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Articles 1–15