Viktor Thunell
Viktor Thunell
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Optimal energy allocation trade‐off driven by size‐dependent physiological and demographic responses to warming
V Thunell, A Gårdmark, M Huss, Y Vindenes
Ecology 104 (4), e3967, 2023
Effects of warming on intraguild predator communities with ontogenetic diet shifts
V Thunell, M Lindmark, M Huss, A Gårdmark
The American Naturalist 198 (6), 706-718, 2021
Compensatory Feeding in Eastern Baltic Cod (Gadus morhua): Recent Shifts in Otolith Growth and Nitrogen Content Suggest Unprecedented Metabolic Changes
H Svedäng, V Thunell, A Pålsson, SA Wikström, MJ Whitehouse
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 565, 2020
Fish life histories in a warming climate: a mechanistic basis of change and a community context
V Thunell
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, 2023
Galtfjärden (Egentliga Östersjön) 2002–2017
N Mustamäki, S Tärnlund, P Holliland, M Blass, F Landfors, V Thunell
Faktablad: resultat från övervakningen av kustfisk, 2018
Corrigendum: Compensatory feeding in Eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua): recent shifts in otolith growth and nitrogen content suggest unprecedented metabolic …
H Svedäng, V Thunell, A Pålsson, SA Wikström, MJ Whitehouse
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1154309, 2023
Human micronutrient provision by seagrass fisheries outperform coral reefs in a malnourished region
BL Jones, J Lefcheck, S Skoglund, V Thunell, S Bandeira, N Jiddawi, ...
Insamling av befintliga marinbiologiska inventeringsdata
V Thunell, C Enhus, S Skoglund, M Persson
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Articles 1–8