Nikhil Sengupta
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Cited by
The Mini-IPIP6: Validation and extension of a short measure of the Big-Six factors of personality in New Zealand.
CG Sibley, N Luyten, M Purnomo, A Mobberley, LW Wootton, ...
New Zealand Journal of Psychology 40 (3), 2011
Science skepticism across 24 countries
BT Rutjens, NK Sengupta, R Der Lee, GM van Koningsbruggen, ...
Social Psychological and Personality Science 13 (1), 102-117, 2022
Perpetuating one’s own disadvantage: Intergroup contact enables the ideological legitimation of inequality
NK Sengupta, CG Sibley
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (11), 1391-1403, 2013
Income and neighbourhood‐level inequality predict self‐esteem and ethnic identity centrality through individual‐and group‐based relative deprivation: A multilevel path analysis
D Osborne, CG Sibley, NK Sengupta
European Journal of Social Psychology 45 (3), 368-377, 2015
Perceived discrimination predicts increased support for political rights and life satisfaction mediated by ethnic identity: A longitudinal analysis.
S Stronge, NK Sengupta, FK Barlow, D Osborne, CA Houkamau, ...
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 22 (3), 359, 2016
System justification theory at 25: Evaluating a paradigm shift in psychology and looking towards the future
D Osborne, NK Sengupta, CG Sibley
British Journal of Social Psychology 58 (2), 340-361, 2019
The status‐legitimacy hypothesis revisited: Ethnic‐group differences in general and dimension‐specific legitimacy
NK Sengupta, D Osborne, CG Sibley
British Journal of Social Psychology 54 (2), 324-340, 2015
The diversity and prevalence of sexual orientation self-labels in a New Zealand national sample
LM Greaves, FK Barlow, CHJ Lee, CM Matika, W Wang, CJ Lindsay, ...
Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 1325-1336, 2017
The wallpaper effect: The contact hypothesis fails for minority group members who live in areas with a high proportion of majority group members
FK Barlow, MJ Hornsey, M Thai, NK Sengupta, CG Sibley
PLoS One 8 (12), e82228, 2013
Ethnic group stereotypes in New Zealand.
CG Sibley, K Stewart, C Houkamau, S Manuela, R Perry, LW Wootton, ...
New Zealand journal of psychology 40 (2), 25-36, 2011
The sigh of the oppressed: The palliative effects of ideology are stronger for people living in highly unequal neighbourhoods
NK Sengupta, LM Greaves, D Osborne, CG Sibley
British Journal of Social Psychology 56 (3), 437-454, 2017
Meta-analysis of the “ironic” effects of intergroup contact.
NK Reimer, NK Sengupta
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 124 (2), 362–380, 2023
How much happiness does money buy? Income and subjective well-being in New Zealand
NK Sengupta, D Osborne, CA Houkamau, WJ Hoverd, MS Wilson, ...
New Zealand Journal of Psychology 41 (2), 21-34, 2012
Sense of Community in New Zealand Neighbourhoods: A Multi-Level Model Predicting Social Capital.
NK Sengupta, N Luyten, LM Greaves, D Osborne, A Robertson, ...
New Zealand Journal of Psychology 42 (1), 2013
Intergroup contact and post-colonial ideology: Outgroup contact ameliorates symbolic exclusion but not historical negation
NK Sengupta, FK Barlow, CG Sibley
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 36 (4), 506-517, 2012
On the Psychological Function of Nationalistic “Whitelash”
NK Sengupta, D Osborne, CG Sibley
Political Psychology, 2019
Globalization is associated with lower levels of national narcissism: Evidence from 56 countries
A Cichocka, NK Sengupta, A Cislak, B Gronfeldt, F Azevedo, PS Boggio
Social Psychological and Personality Science 14 (4), 437-447, 2023
Does intergroup contact foster solidarity with the disadvantaged? A longitudinal analysis across 7 years.
NK Sengupta, NK Reimer, CG Sibley, FK Barlow
American Psychologist, 2023
People and the place: Social dominance orientation is reciprocally associated with hierarchy-enhancing occupations over time
E Zubielevitch, GW Cheung, CG Sibley, NK Sengupta, D Osborne
Journal of Management 48 (5), 1243-1269, 2022
Prejudice toward Muslims in New Zealand: insights from the New Zealand attitudes and values study
CG Sibley, N Satherley, A Ejova, S Stronge, M Grimshaw, D Hawi, ...
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Articles 1–20