Chung-Chieh Fang
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Cited by
A mechanical filter concept for control of non-linear crane-load oscillations
B Balachandran, YY Li, CC Fang
Journal of Sound and Vibration 228 (3), 651-682, 1999
Sampled-data modeling and analysis of closed-loop PWM DC-DC converters
CC Fang, EH Abed
1999 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 5, 110-115, 1999
Sampled-data analysis and control of DC-DC switching converters
CC Fang
University of Maryland, College Park, 1997
Sampled-data modelling and analysis of the power stage of PWM dc-dc converters
CC Fang, EH Abed
International Journal of Electronics 88 (3), 347-369, 2001
Harmonic balance analysis and control of period doubling bifurcation in buck converters
CC Fang, EH Abed
ISCAS 2001. The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems …, 2001
Sampled-Data Modeling and Analysis of One-Cycle Control and Charge Control
CC Fang
IEEE ISCAS, vol. 3, pp. 9-12, 2001
Unified discrete-time modeling of buck converter in discontinuous mode
CC Fang
IEEE transactions on power electronics 26 (8), 2335-2342, 2010
Subharmonic instability limits for the peak-current-controlled buck converter with closed voltage feedback loop
CC Fang, R Redl
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (2), 1085-1092, 2014
Robust feedback stabilization of limit cycles in PWM DC-DC converters
CC Fang, EH Abed
Nonlinear dynamics 27, 295-309, 2002
Subharmonic stability limits for the buck converter with ripple-based constant on-time control and feedback filter
CC Fang, R Redl
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (4), 2135-2142, 2013
Exact orbital stability analysis of static and dynamic ramp compensations in DC-DC converters
CC Fang
ISIE 2001. 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics …, 2001
Critical conditions for a class of switched linear systems based on harmonic balance: Applications to DC-DC converters
CC Fang
Nonlinear Dynamics 70 (3), 1767-1789, 2012
Subharmonic instability limits for the peak-current-controlled boost, buck–boost, flyback, and SEPIC converters with closed voltage feedback loop
CC Fang, R Redl
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (5), 4048-4055, 2016
Sampled‐data poles, zeros, and modeling for current‐mode control
CC Fang
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 41 (2), 111-127, 2013
Closed-form critical conditions of subharmonic oscillations for buck converters
CC Fang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 60 (7), 1967-1974, 2013
Closed-form critical conditions of instabilities for constant on-time controlled buck converters
CC Fang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 59 (12), 3090-3097, 2012
Saddle-node bifurcation in the buck converter with constant current load
CC Fang
Nonlinear Dynamics 69 (4), 1739-1750, 2012
Output regulation of DC-DC switching converters using discrete-time integral control
CC Fang, EH Abed
Proceedings of the 1999 American Control Conference (Cat. No. 99CH36251) 2 …, 1999
Switching frequency determination of DC–DC converters with hysteretic control
CC Fang, R Redl
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (3), 2723-2729, 2017
Instability conditions for a class of switched linear systems with switching delays based on sampled-data analysis: applications to DC–DC converters
CC Fang
Nonlinear Dynamics 77 (1), 185-208, 2014
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Articles 1–20