Kathryn Dewenter
Kathryn Dewenter
Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
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State-owned and privately owned firms: An empirical analysis of profitability, leverage, and labor intensity
KL Dewenter, PH Malatesta
American Economic Review 91 (1), 320-334, 2001
Dividends, asymmetric information, and agency conflicts: Evidence from a comparison of the dividend policies of Japanese and US firms
KL Dewenter, VA Warther
The journal of finance 53 (3), 879-904, 1998
Public offerings of state‐owned and privately‐owned enterprises: an international comparison
KL Dewenter, PH Malatesta
The Journal of finance 52 (4), 1659-1679, 1997
Firm values and sovereign wealth fund investments
KL Dewenter, X Han, PH Malatesta
Journal of Financial Economics 98 (2), 256-278, 2010
Do exchange rate changes drive foreign direct investment?
KL Dewenter
Journal of Business, 405-433, 1995
Does the market react differently to domestic and foreign takeover announcements? Evidence from the US chemical and retail industries
KL Dewenter
Journal of Financial Economics 37 (3), 421-441, 1995
Visibility versus Complexity in Business Groups: Evidence from Japanese Keiretsu
K Dewenter, W Novaes, RH Pettway
The Journal of Business 74 (1), 79-100, 2001
An international comparison of banks' equity returns
KL Dewenter, AC Hess
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 472-492, 1998
Can event study methods solve the currency exposure puzzle?
KL Dewenter, RC Higgins, TT Simin
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 13 (2), 119-144, 2005
Does financial market development stimulate savings? Evidence from emerging stock markets
C Bonser‐Neal, KL Dewenter
Contemporary Economic Policy 17 (3), 370-380, 1999
The risk-sharing role of Japanese keiretsu business groups: evidence from restructuring in the 1990s
KL Dewenter
Japan and the World Economy 15 (3), 261-274, 2003
Investment bank reputation and relaxed listing requirements: Evidence from infrastructure firm IPOs in Hong Kong
KL Dewenter, LC Field
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 9 (2), 101-117, 2001
Institutions and deposit insurance: Empirical evidence
KL Dewenter, AC Hess, J Brogaard
Journal of Financial Services Research 54 (3), 269-292, 2018
What's the Value of a TBTF Guaranty? Evidence from the G-SII Designation for Insurance Companies
KL Dewenter, LA Riddick
Evidence from the G-SII Designation for Insurance Companies (January 9, 2015), 2015
Are intra-industry investment patterns consistent with cost disadvantages to cross-border investing? Evidence from the US chemical industry
KL Dewenter
Journal of International Business Studies 26, 843-857, 1995
Anatomy of a regulatory race to the top: Changes in delisting rules at Korea's two stock exchanges, 1999–2002
KL Dewenter, CS Kim, W Novaes
Journal of Corporate Finance 16 (4), 456-468, 2010
Committing to protect investors in emerging markets: Can local exchanges provide value-relevant bonding mechanisms?
KL Dewenter, CS Kim, U Lim, W Novaes
Available at SSRN 756866, 2005
Are relationship and transactional banks different? Evidence from loan loss provisions and write-offs
KL Dewenter, AC Hess
Evidence from Loan Loss Provisions and Write-Offs (November 25, 2003). EFMA, 2004
Public offerings of state-owned and privately-owned enterprises: An international comparison.
KL Dewenter, PH Malatesta
JOURNAL OF FINANCE 51 (3), 1035-1035, 1996
Risks and returns in relationship and transactional banks: Evidence from banks' returns in Germany, Japan, the UK, and the US
KL Dewenter, AC Hess
Performance of Financial Institutions: Efficiency, Innovation, Regulation …, 2000
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