John Gilbert
John Gilbert
Professor of Economics, Utah State University
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New regional trading arrangements in the Asia Pacific?
R Scollay, J Gilbert
Peterson Institute, 2001
Trade statistics in policymaking: A handbook of commonly used trade indices and indicators
M Mikic, J Gilbert
United Nations, 2007
Measuring the gains from APEC trade liberalisation: An overview of CGE assessments
R Scollay, J Gilbert
The World Economy 23 (2), 175-197, 2000
Applied general equilibrium assessments of trade liberalisation in China
J Gilbert, T Wahl
The World Economy 25 (5), 697-731, 2002
Assessing regional trading arrangements in the Asia-Pacific
J Gilbert, R Scollay, B Bora, ...
United Nations, 2001
The economic impact of the Trans‐Pacific Partnership: What have we learned from CGE simulation?
J Gilbert, T Furusawa, R Scollay
The World Economy 41 (3), 831-865, 2018
New regional trading developments in the Asia-Pacific region
J Gilbert, R Scollay, B Bora
Global change and East Asian policy initiatives 2004, 121-190, 2004
Analyzing the effects of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership on FDI in a CGE framework with firm heterogeneity
Q Li, R Scollay, J Gilbert
Economic Modelling 67, 409-420, 2017
Technical appendix: quantitative estimates of the economic impacts of US bilateral free trade agreements
DA DeRosa, JP Gilbert
Free trade agreements: US strategies and priorities, 383-417, 2004
Infrastructure and agricultural production: cross-country evidence and implications for China
F Felloni, T Wahl, P Wandschneider, J Gilbert
TW.-2001-103. Washington State University: Pullman, 2001
CGE simulation of US bilateral free trade agreements
J Gilbert
Prepared for the Conference on Free Trade Agreements and US Trade Policy …, 2003
Introduction to numerical simulation for trade theory and policy
J Gilbert, E Tower
World Scientific Publishing Company, 2012
Regional integration and trade costs in South Asia
N Banik, J Gilbert
Trade facilitation and regional cooperation in Asia, 2010
Predicting trade expansion under FTAs and multilateral agreements
DA DeRosa, JP Gilbert
Working Paper Series, 2005
Trade policy, biotechnology and grain self‐sufficiency in China
F Felloni, J Gilbert, TI Wahl, P Wandschneider
Agricultural Economics 28 (3), 173-186, 2003
Export competitiveness of Central and Eastern Europe since the enlargement of the EU
J Gilbert, E Muchová
International Review of Economics & Finance 55, 78-85, 2018
Foreign direct investment, non‐traded goods and real wages
R Oladi, J Gilbert, H Beladi
Pacific Economic Review 16 (1), 36-41, 2011
Trade Statistics in Policymaking: A Handbook of Commonly Used Trade Indices and Indicators–Revised Edition
M Mikic, J Gilbert
ESCAP, Bangkok, 2009
Socioeconomic impacts of cross-border transport infrastructure development in South Asia
J Gilbert, N Banik
ADBI Working Paper, 2010
Labor market distortions and China's WTO accession package::: an applied general equilibrium assessment
J Gilbert, T Wahl
Journal of Comparative Economics 31 (4), 774-794, 2003
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Articles 1–20