Pernilla Hagbert
Pernilla Hagbert
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Verifierad e-postadress på hagberth.se
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Scenarios for sustainable futures beyond GDP growth 2050
Å Svenfelt, EC Alfredsson, K Bradley, E Fauré, G Finnveden, P Fuehrer, ...
Futures 111, 1-14, 2019
Sustainable homes, or simply energy-efficient buildings?
P Hagbert, P Femenías
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 31, 1-17, 2016
Contemporary co-housing in Europe: Towards sustainable cities?
P Hagbert, HG Larsen, H Thörn, C Wasshede
Taylor & Francis, 2020
Transitions on the home front: A story of sustainable living beyond eco-efficiency
P Hagbert, K Bradley
Energy Research & Social Science 31, 240-248, 2017
Climate target fulfilment in scenarios for a sustainable Swedish built environment beyond growth
N Francart, T Malmqvist, P Hagbert
Futures 98, 1-18, 2018
Institutional capacity to integrate ‘radical’perspectives on sustainability in small municipalities: experiences from Sweden
K Isaksson, P Hagbert
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 36, 83-93, 2020
Local interpretations of degrowth—actors, arenas and attempts to influence policy
K Buhr, K Isaksson, P Hagbert
Sustainability 10 (6), 1899, 2018
Actors in transition: Shifting roles in Swedish sustainable housing development
P Hagbert, T Malmqvist
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 34 (3), 697-714, 2019
“It’s just a matter of adjustment”: residents’ perceptions and the potential for low-impact home practices
P Hagbert
Housing, Theory and Society 33 (3), 288-304, 2016
Paradoxes and possibilities for a ‘green’housing sector: A Swedish case
P Hagbert, M Mangold, P Femenías
Sustainability 5 (5), 2018-2035, 2013
Exploring the potential for just urban transformations in light of eco-modernist imaginaries of sustainability
P Hagbert, J Wangel, L Broms
Urban Planning 5 (4), 204-216, 2020
The habitation lab: Using a design approach to foster innovation for sustainable living
P Femenías, P Hagbert
Technology Innovation Management Review 3 (11), 2013
Framtider bortom BNP-tillväxt: slutrapport från forskningsprogrammet" Bortom BNP-tillväxt: scenarier för hållbart samhällsbyggande"
P Hagbert, G Finnveden, P Fuehrer, Å Svenfelt, E Alfredsson, Å Aretun, ...
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2018
Rethinking home as a node for transition
P Hagbert
Housing for Degrowth, 57-67, 2018
Co-housing, sustainable urban development and governance: An introduction
H Thörn, HG Larsen, P Hagbert, C Wasshede
Contemporary Co-housing in Europe, 1-20, 2019
The transformative effect of the introduction of water volumetric billing in a disadvantaged housing area in Sweden
M Mangold, G Morrison, R Harder, P Hagbert, S Rauch
Water Policy 16 (5), 973-990, 2014
A sustainable home? Reconceptualizing home in a low-impact society
P Hagbert
PQDT-Global, 2016
Approaching change: Exploring cracks in the eco-modern sustainability paradigm
P Hagbert, Å Nyblom, K Isaksson
Environmental Values 30 (5), 613-634, 2021
Co-housing as a socio-ecologically sustainable alternative?
P Hagbert
Contemporary Co-housing in Europe, 183-201, 2019
A sustainable home
P Hagbert
Reconceptualizing home in a low-impact society, 26-28, 2016
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