Jin Hyun Cheong
Cited by
Cited by
The successor representation in human reinforcement learning
I Momennejad, EM Russek, JH Cheong, MM Botvinick, ND Daw, ...
Nature human behaviour 1 (9), 680-692, 2017
Endogenous variation in ventromedial prefrontal cortex state dynamics during naturalistic viewing reflects affective experience
LJ Chang, E Jolly, JH Cheong, KM Rapuano, N Greenstein, PHA Chen, ...
Science Advances 7 (17), eabf7129, 2021
Socially transmitted placebo effects
PHA Chen, JH Cheong, E Jolly, H Elhence, TD Wager, LJ Chang
Nature human behaviour 3 (12), 1295-1305, 2019
Py-feat: Python facial expression analysis toolbox
JH Cheong, E Jolly, T Xie, S Byrne, M Kenney, LJ Chang
Affective Science 4 (4), 781-796, 2023
Intersubject representational similarity analysis reveals individual variations in affective experience when watching erotic movies
PHA Chen, E Jolly, JH Cheong, LJ Chang
NeuroImage 216, 116851, 2020
Irrational time allocation in decision-making
B Oud, I Krajbich, K Miller, JH Cheong, M Botvinick, E Fehr
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1822), 20151439, 2016
Synchronized affect in shared experiences strengthens social connection
JH Cheong, Z Molani, S Sadhukha, LJ Chang
Communications Biology 6 (1), 1099, 2023
cosanlab/nltools: 0.3. 11
L Chang, E Jolly, JH Cheong, A Burnashev, A Chen
Genève: Zenodo 10, 2018
Computational Models in Social Neuroscience
JH Cheong, E Jolly, S Sul, LJ Chang
Computational Models of Brain and Behavior, 2017
FaceSync: Open source framework for recording facial expressions with head-mounted cameras
JH Cheong, S Brooks, LJ Chang
F1000Research 8, 2019
The successor representation in human reinforcement learning. Nature Human Behaviour, 1 (9), 680–692
I Momennejad, EM Russek, JH Cheong, MM Botvinick, ND Daw, ...
Retrieved 2018-05-29, from https://www. nature. com/articles/s41562-017-0180 …, 2017
Computational Models of Brain and Behavior
JH Cheong, E Jolly, S Sul, LJ Chang, A Moustafa
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.,, 2017
Minimal functional alignment of ventromedial prefrontal cortex intracranial EEG signals during naturalistic viewing
T Xie, JH Cheong, JR Manning, AM Brandt, JP Aronson, BC Jobst, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.05. 10.443308, 2021
Building Relationships through Dynamic Interactions
JH Cheong
Dartmouth College, 2021
Effects of Involvement and Timing of Judgment on Illusion of Control and Loss Aversion
JH Cheong
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Articles 1–15