KLEIN: a new family of lightweight block ciphers Z Gong, S Nikova, YW Law International workshop on radio frequency identification: security and …, 2011 | 597 | 2011 |
Two certificateless aggregate signatures from bilinear maps Z Gong, Y Long, X Hong, K Chen Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial …, 2007 | 198 | 2007 |
Compact implementation and performance evaluation of block ciphers in ATtiny devices T Eisenbarth, Z Gong, T Güneysu, S Heyse, S Indesteege, S Kerckhof, ... Progress in Cryptology-AFRICACRYPT 2012: 5th International Conference on …, 2012 | 155 | 2012 |
Compact implementation and performance evaluation of hash functions in attiny devices J Balasch, B Ege, T Eisenbarth, B Gérard, Z Gong, T Güneysu, S Heyse, ... Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 11th International Conference …, 2013 | 72 | 2013 |
EdgeRNN: a compact speech recognition network with spatio-temporal features for edge computing S Yang, Z Gong, K Ye, Y Wei, Z Huang, Z Huang IEEE Access 8, 81468-81478, 2020 | 68 | 2020 |
Feature map distillation of thin nets for low-resolution object recognition Z Huang, S Yang, MC Zhou, Z Li, Z Gong, Y Chen IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 31, 1364-1379, 2022 | 65 | 2022 |
Tulp: A family of lightweight message authentication codes for body sensor networks Z Gong, P Hartel, S Nikova, SH Tang, B Zhu Journal of computer science and technology 29, 53-68, 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
Kalwen: A new practical and interoperable key management scheme for body sensor networks YW Law, G Moniava, Z Gong, P Hartel, M Palaniswami Security and communication networks 4 (11), 1309-1329, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |
Improved related-key differential attacks on reduced-round LBlock S Liu, Z Gong, L Wang International Conference on Information and Communications Security, 58-69, 2012 | 28 | 2012 |
Practical certificateless aggregate signatures from bilinear maps Z Gong, Y Long, X Hong, K Chen Journal of information science and engineering 26 (6), 2093-2106, 2010 | 27 | 2010 |
EdgeCRNN: an edge-computing oriented model of acoustic feature enhancement for keyword spotting Y Wei, Z Gong, S Yang, K Ye, Y Wen Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-11, 2022 | 24 | 2022 |
Pseudorandomness analysis of the (extended) Lai–Massey scheme Y Luo, X Lai, Z Gong Information processing letters 111 (2), 90-96, 2010 | 24 | 2010 |
A synthetic indifferentiability analysis of some block-cipher-based hash functions Z Gong, X Lai, K Chen Designs, Codes and Cryptography 48, 293-305, 2008 | 22 | 2008 |
Password guessing based on LSTM recurrent neural networks L Xu, C Ge, W Qiu, Z Huang, Z Gong, J Guo, H Lian 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering …, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Software pipelining for graphic processing unit acceleration: Partition, scheduling and granularity B Liu, W Qiu, L Jiang, Z Gong The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 30 (2 …, 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
GPU-Based High Performance Password Recovery Technique for Hash Functions. W Qiu, Z Gong, Y Guo, B Liu, X Tang, Y Yuan J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 32 (1), 97-112, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
EdgeCNN: Convolutional neural network classification model with small inputs for edge computing S Yang, Z Gong, K Ye, Y Wei, Z Huang, Z Huang arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.13522, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
A two‐phase knowledge distillation model for graph convolutional network‐based recommendation Z Huang, Z Lin, Z Gong, Y Chen, Y Tang International Journal of Intelligent Systems 37 (9), 5902-5923, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
A new secret handshake scheme with multi-symptom intersection for mobile healthcare social networks Y Wen, F Zhang, H Wang, Z Gong, Y Miao, Y Deng Information Sciences 520, 142-154, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Towards secure and practical MACs for body sensor networks Z Gong, P Hartel, S Nikova, B Zhu International Conference on Cryptology in India, 182-198, 2009 | 16 | 2009 |