Kristina Cammen
Kristina Cammen
Associate Professor of Marine Mammal Science, University of Maine
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Genomic methods take the plunge: recent advances in high-throughput sequencing of marine mammals
KM Cammen, KR Andrews, EL Carroll, AD Foote, E Humble, ...
Journal of Heredity 107 (6), 481-495, 2016
Geographic variation of the major histocompatibility complex in Eastern Atlantic grey seals (Halichoerus grypus)
K Cammen, JI Hoffman, LA Knapp, J Harwood, W Amos
Molecular Ecology 20 (4), 740-752, 2011
Hematological, biochemical, and immunological findings in Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) with orogenital papillomas
GD Bossart, TA Romano, MM Peden-Adams, CD Rice, PA Fair, ...
Aquatic Mammals 34 (2), 166, 2008
Predator recovery, shifting baselines, and the adaptive management challenges they create
KM Cammen, DB Rasher, RS Steneck
Ecosphere 10 (2), e02579, 2019
Cost of Tolerance: Physiological Consequences of Evolved Resistance to Inhabit a Polluted Environment in Teleost Fish Fundulus heteroclitus
N Jayasundara, PW Fernando, JS Osterberg, KM Cammen, TF Schultz, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (15), 8763-8772, 2017
Genome-wide scan reveals signatures of selection related to pollution adaptation in non-model estuarine Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus)
JS Osterberg, KM Cammen, TF Schultz, BW Clark, RT Di Giulio
Aquatic Toxicology 200, 73-82, 2018
Genomewide investigation of adaptation to harmful algal blooms in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
KM Cammen, TF Schultz, PE Rosel, RS Wells, AJ Read
Molecular Ecology 24 (18), 4697-4710, 2015
Genomic signatures of population bottleneck and recovery in Northwest Atlantic pinnipeds
KM Cammen, TF Schultz, W Don Bowen, MO Hammill, WB Puryear, ...
Ecology and Evolution 8 (13), 6599-6614, 2018
Genetic diversity from pre-bottleneck to recovery in two sympatric pinniped species in the Northwest Atlantic
KM Cammen, S Vincze, AS Heller, BA McLeod, SA Wood, WD Bowen, ...
Conservation Genetics 19, 555-569, 2018
Factors Affecting Harp Seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) Strandings in the Northwest Atlantic
BK Soulen, K Cammen, TF Schultz, DW Johnston
PloS one 8 (7), e68779, 2013
Replicated landscape genomics identifies evidence of local adaptation to urbanization in wood frogs
JJ Homola, CS Loftin, KM Cammen, CC Helbing, I Birol, TF Schultz, ...
Journal of Heredity 110 (6), 707-719, 2019
Origin and expansion of the world’s most widespread pinniped: Range‐wide population genomics of the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina)
X Liu, S Rønhøj Schjøtt, SM Granquist, A Rosing‐Asvid, R Dietz, ...
Molecular ecology 31 (6), 1682-1699, 2022
From genome-wide to candidate gene: an investigation of variation at the major histocompatibility complex in common bottlenose dolphins exposed to harmful algal blooms
KM Cammen, LA Wilcox, PE Rosel, RS Wells, AJ Read
Immunogenetics 67, 125-133, 2015
Geographic population structure and subspecific boundaries in a tidal marsh sparrow
R Greenberg, KM Cammen, AG Wilson, BJ Olsen, B Ballentine, ...
Conservation Genetics 17, 603-613, 2016
Needles in an ocean haystack: using environmental DNA to study marine mammals in the North Atlantic
D Székely, KM Cammen, M Tange Olsen
NAMMCO Scientific Publications 12, 2021
Examining the impacts of pinnipeds on Atlantic salmon: The effects of river restoration on predator–prey interactions
L Leach, M Simpson, JR Stevens, K Cammen
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 32 (4), 645-657, 2022
Sequence diversity and differences at the highly duplicated MHC-I gene reflect viral susceptibility in sympatric pinniped species
AK Gigliotti, WD Bowen, MO Hammill, WB Puryear, J Runstadler, ...
Journal of Heredity 113 (5), 525-537, 2022
Breaking down “harassment” to characterize trends in human interaction cases in Maine's pinnipeds
E Newcomb, D Walk, H Haverkamp, L Doughty, S Todd, R Seton, L Jones, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 3 (11), e518, 2021
Strandings provide insight into social group structure of Atlantic white‐sided dolphins
KR Pugliares‐Bonner, K LaSpina, KS Rose, SE Travis, KM Cammen
Marine Mammal Science 37 (3), 901-918, 2021
Interdisciplinary research collaborative trains students to see through turbulent systems
K Cammen, G Marafino, S Burton, J Dow, E Dullaert, M Jorge, K Macolini, ...
Oceanography 34 (1), 254-265, 2021
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Articles 1–20