The “publicness puzzle” in organization theory: A test of alternative explanations of differences between public and private organizations B Bozeman, S Bretschneider Journal of public administration research and theory 4 (2), 197-224, 1994 | 713 | 1994 |
A three‐stage adoption process for social media use in government I Mergel, SI Bretschneider Public administration review 73 (3), 390-400, 2013 | 658 | 2013 |
Management information systems in public and private organizations: An empirical test S Bretschneider Public Administration Review, 536-545, 1990 | 617 | 1990 |
Public management information systems: Theory and prescription B Bozeman, S Bretschneider Public administration review, 475-487, 1986 | 578 | 1986 |
Politics of e‐government: E‐government and the political control of bureaucracy MJ Ahn, S Bretschneider Public Administration Review 71 (3), 414-424, 2011 | 327 | 2011 |
Evaluating web-based e-government services with a citizen-centric approach L Wang, S Bretschneider, J Gant Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005 | 297 | 2005 |
Information technology and restructuring in public organizations: Does adoption of information technology affect organizational structures, communications, and decision making? T Heintze, S Bretschneider Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 10 (4), 801-830, 2000 | 296 | 2000 |
“Best practices” research: a methodological guide for the perplexed S Bretschneider, FJ Marc-Aurele, J Wu Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 15 (2), 307-323, 2004 | 275 | 2004 |
Voluntary behavior by electric utilities: Levels of adoption and contribution of the climate challenge program to the reduction of carbon dioxide EW Welch, A Mazur, S Bretschneider Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 407-425, 2000 | 255 | 2000 |
Organizational adoption of microcomputer technology: The role of sector S Bretschneider, D Wittmer Information Systems Research 4 (1), 88-108, 1993 | 225 | 1993 |
Th e Decision to Contract Out: A Study of Contracting for E‐Government Services in State Governments A Ya Ni, S Bretschneider Public Administration Review 67 (3), 531-544, 2007 | 213 | 2007 |
Political and organizational influences on the accuracy of forecasting state government revenues SI Bretschneider, WL Gorr, G Grizzle, E Klay International Journal of Forecasting 5 (3), 307-319, 1989 | 213 | 1989 |
Information technology, e-government, and institutional change S Bretschneider Public Administration Review 63 (6), 738-741, 2003 | 180 | 2003 |
The impact of red tape's administrative delay on public organizations' interest in new information technologies SK Pandey, SI Bretschneider Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 7 (1), 113-130, 1997 | 156 | 1997 |
Can state government actions affect innovation and its diffusion?: An extended communication model and empirical test MJ Moon, S Bretschneider Technological forecasting and social change 54 (1), 57-77, 1997 | 149 | 1997 |
Estimating school efficiency: A comparison of methods using simulated data R Bifulco, S Bretschneider Economics of Education Review 20 (5), 417-429, 2001 | 148 | 2001 |
Technology and public management information systems: Where we have been and where we are going SI Bretschneider, I Mergel The State of Public Administration, 187-203, 2015 | 105 | 2015 |
Adaptive technological substitution models SI Bretschneider, V Mahajan Technological Forecasting and Social Change 18 (2), 129-139, 1980 | 100 | 1980 |
Economic, organizational, and political influences on biases in forecasting state sales tax receipts S Bretschneider, W Gorr International Journal of Forecasting 7 (4), 457-466, 1992 | 97 | 1992 |
Does regulation stimulate productivity? The effect of air quality policies on the efficiency of US power plants R Fleishman, R Alexander, S Bretschneider, D Popp Energy Policy 37 (11), 4574-4582, 2009 | 87 | 2009 |