Hongwei Zhang
Hongwei Zhang
Richardson Professor (Electrical & Computer Engineering), Director (WiCI), Iowa State University
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Cited by
A line in the sand: A wireless sensor network for target detection, classification, and tracking
A Arora, P Dutta, S Bapat, V Kulathumani, H Zhang, V Naik, V Mittal, ...
Computer Networks 46 (5), 605-634, 2004
Exscal: Elements of an extreme scale wireless sensor network
A Arora, R Ramnath, E Ertin, P Sinha, S Bapat, V Naik, V Kulathumani, ...
11th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing …, 2005
Dynamical modeling and distributed control of connected and automated vehicles: Challenges and opportunities
SE Li, Y Zheng, K Li, Y Wu, JK Hedrick, F Gao, H Zhang
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 9 (3), 46-58, 2017
Reliable bursty convergecast in wireless sensor networks
H Zhang, A Arora, Y Choi, MG Gouda
Proceedings of the 6th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2005
Kansei: A testbed for sensing at scale
E Ertin, A Arora, R Ramnath, V Naik, S Bapat, V Kulathumani, ...
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Information processing in …, 2006
GS3: scalable self-configuration and self-healing in wireless sensor networks
H Zhang, A Arora
Computer Networks 43 (4), 459-480, 2003
Communication information structures and contents for enhanced safety of highway vehicle platoons
L Xu, G Yin, H Zhang
IEEE Transactions on vehicular Technology 63 (9), 4206-4220, 2014
Distributed platoon control under topologies with complex eigenvalues: Stability analysis and controller synthesis
SE Li, X Qin, Y Zheng, J Wang, K Li, H Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (1), 206-220, 2017
Sprinkler: A reliable and energy efficient data dissemination service for wireless embedded devices
V Naik, A Arora, P Sinha, H Zhang
26th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'05), 10 pp.-286, 2005
Control of vehicle platoons for highway safety and efficient utility: Consensus with communications and vehicle dynamics
LY Wang, A Syed, GG Yin, A Pandya, H Zhang
Journal of systems science and complexity 27, 605-631, 2014
Platoon control of connected vehicles from a networked control perspective: Literature review, component modeling, and controller synthesis
SE Li, Y Zheng, K Li, LY Wang, H Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2017
On exploiting asymmetric wireless links via one-way estimation
L Sang, A Arora, H Zhang
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2007
A vision for development and utilization of high-throughput phenotyping and big data analytics in livestock
JE Koltes, JB Cole, R Clemmens, RN Dilger, LM Kramer, JK Lunney, ...
Frontiers in genetics 10, 1197, 2019
Accuracy-aware interference modeling and measurement in wireless sensor networks
X Chang, J Huang, S Liu, G Xing, H Zhang, J Wang, L Huang, Y Zhuang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 15 (2), 278-291, 2015
Sprinkler: A reliable and energy efficient data dissemination service for extreme scale wireless networks of embedded devices
V Naik, A Arora, P Sinha, H Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 6 (7), 777-789, 2007
Learn on the Fly: Data-Driven Link Estimation and Routing in Sensor Network Backbones.
H Zhang, A Arora, P Sinha
INFOCOM 6, 1-12, 2006
Passive interference measurement in wireless sensor networks
S Liu, G Xing, H Zhang, J Wang, J Huang, M Sha, L Huang
The 18th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 52-61, 2010
Differentiated multi-layer survivability in IP/WDM networks
H Zhang, A Durresi
NOMS 2002. IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium.'Management …, 2002
On link asymmetry and one-way estimation in wireless sensor networks
L Sang, A Arora, H Zhang
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 6 (2), 1-25, 2010
Link estimation and routing in sensor network backbones: Beacon-based or data-driven?
H Zhang, A Arora, P Sinha
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 8 (5), 653-667, 2008
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Articles 1–20