Jack Grieve
Cited by
Cited by
Quantitative authorship attribution: An evaluation of techniques
J Grieve
Literary and linguistic computing 22 (3), 251-270, 2007
Analyzing appraisal automatically
M Taboada, J Grieve
Proceedings of AAAI spring symposium on exploring attitude and affect in …, 2004
Understanding US regional linguistic variation with Twitter data analysis
Y Huang, D Guo, A Kasakoff, J Grieve
Computers, environment and urban systems 59, 244-255, 2016
Variation among blogs: A multi-dimensional analysis
J Grieve, D Biber, E Friginal, T Nekrasova
Genres on the web: Computational models and empirical studies, 303-322, 2011
A statistical method for the identification and aggregation of regional linguistic variation
J Grieve, D Speelman, D Geeraerts
Language Variation and Change 23 (2), 193-221, 2011
Stylistic variation on the Donald Trump Twitter account: A linguistic analysis of tweets posted between 2009 and 2018
I Clarke, J Grieve
PloS one 14 (9), e0222062, 2019
Analyzing lexical emergence in Modern American English online1
J Grieve, A Nini, D Guo
English Language & Linguistics 21 (1), 99-127, 2017
Mapping lexical innovation on American social media
J Grieve, A Nini, D Guo
Journal of English Linguistics 46 (4), 293-319, 2018
Regional variation in written American English
J Grieve
Cambridge University Press, 2016
Mapping lexical dialect variation in British English using Twitter
J Grieve, C Montgomery, A Nini, A Murakami, D Guo
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 2, 11, 2019
Variation and change in the use of hesitation markers in Germanic languages
M Wieling, J Grieve, G Bouma, J Fruehwald, J Coleman, M Liberman
Language Dynamics and Change 6 (2), 199-234, 2016
Dimensions of abusive language on Twitter
I Clarke, J Grieve
Proceedings of the first workshop on abusive language online, 1-10, 2017
9 Noun phrase modification
D Biber, J Grieve, G Iberri-Shea
One Language, Two Grammars? Differences between British and American English, 2010
Quantitative authorship attribution: A history and an evaluation of techniques.
JW Grieve
A comparison of statistical methods for the aggregation of regional linguistic variation
J Grieve
Aggregating Dialectology and Typology: Linguistic Variation in Text and …, 2013
A corpus-based regional dialect survey of grammatical variation in written Standard American English
J Grieve
Northern Arizona University, 2009
The language of fake news
J Grieve, H Woodfield
Elements in Forensic Linguistics, 2023
Attributing the Bixby Letter using n-gram tracing
J Grieve, I Clarke, E Chiang, H Gideon, A Heini, A Nini, E Waibel
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2018
A multivariate spatial analysis of vowel formants in American English
J Grieve, D Speelman, D Geeraerts
Journal of Linguistic Geography 1 (1), 31-51, 2013
On learning and representing social meaning in NLP: a sociolinguistic perspective
D Nguyen, L Rosseel, J Grieve
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2021
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Articles 1–20