Martin Heusse
Martin Heusse
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Performance anomaly of 802.11 b
M Heusse, F Rousseau, G Berger-Sabbatel, A Duda
INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-Second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2003
Idle sense: An optimal access method for high throughput and fairness in rate diverse wireless LANs
M Heusse, F Rousseau, R Guillier, A Duda
Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2005
Adaptive agent-driven routing and load balancing in communication networks
M Heusse, D Snyers, S Guerin, P Kuntz
Advances in complex systems 1 (02n03), 237-254, 1998
Fairness and its impact on delay in 802.11 networks
G Berger-Sabbatel, A Duda, O Gaudoin, M Heusse, F Rousseau
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM'04. 5, 2967-2973, 2004
Micro-frame preamble MAC for multihop wireless sensor networks
A Bachir, D Barthel, M Heusse, A Duda
2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications 7, 3365-3370, 2006
Experience with an implementation of the Idle Sense wireless access method
Y Grunenberger, M Heusse, F Rousseau, A Duda
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM CoNEXT conference, 1-12, 2007
Improving downlink scalability in LoRaWAN
V Di Vincenzo, M Heusse, B Tourancheau
ICC 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2019
Optimal SF allocation in LoRaWAN considering physical capture and imperfect orthogonality
C Caillouet, M Heusse, F Rousseau
2019 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
GreenNet: An energy-harvesting IP-enabled wireless sensor network
LO Varga, G Romaniello, M Vučinić, M Favre, A Banciu, R Guizzetti, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2 (5), 412-426, 2015
An asymmetric access point for solving the unfairness problem in WLANs
E Lopez-Aguilera, M Heusse, Y Grunenberger, F Rousseau, A Duda, ...
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 7 (10), 1213-1227, 2008
Short-term fairness of 802.11 networks with several hosts
G Berger-Sabbatel, A Duda, M Heusse, F Rousseau
IFIP International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks …, 2004
Experimental characterization of LoRaWAN link quality
T Attia, M Heusse, B Tourancheau, A Duda
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
A novel access method for supporting absolute and proportional priorities in 802.11 WLANs
M Nassiri, M Heusse, A Duda
IEEE INFOCOM 2008-The 27th Conference on Computer Communications, 709-717, 2008
Hidden nodes avoidance in wireless sensor networks
A Bachir, D Barthel, M Heusse, A Duda
2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks, Communications and …, 2005
Lilith: an interconnection architecture based on label switching for spontaneous edge networks
V Untz, M Heusse, F Rousseau, A Duda
The First Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems …, 2004
Adaptive IEEE 802.15. 4 MAC for throughput and energy optimization
N Abdeddaim, F Theoleyre, M Heusse, A Duda
2013 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor …, 2013
Capacity of a LoRaWAN cell
M Heusse, T Attia, C Caillouet, F Rousseau, A Duda
Proceedings of the 23rd International ACM Conference on Modeling, Analysis …, 2020
Two-way TCP connections: old problem, new insight
M Heusse, SA Merritt, TX Brown, A Duda
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 41 (2), 5-15, 2011
Quick and efficient link quality estimation in wireless sensors networks
HJ Audéoud, M Heusse
2018 14th Annual conference on wireless on-demand network systems and …, 2018
The ARESA project: Facilitating research, development and commercialization of WSNs
M Dohler, D Barthel, F Maraninchi, L Mounier, S Aubert, C Dugas, ...
2007 4th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and …, 2007
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Articles 1–20