Victoria Tigerdraake (former Johansson)
Victoria Tigerdraake (former Johansson)
Former PhD Student in Informatics with specialization in WIL, University West
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Online Communities as a Driver for Patient Empowerment: Systematic Review
V Johansson, AS Islind, T Lindroth, E Angenete, M Gellerstedt
Journal of Medical Internet Research 23 (2), 2021
Individualized blended care for patients with colorectal cancer: the patient’s view on informational support
AS Islind, V Johansson, H Vallo Hult, P Alsén, E Andreasson, E Angenete, ...
Supportive Care in Cancer 29 (6), 3061-3067, 2021
Invisible Work Meets Visible Work: Infrastructuring from the Perspective of Patients and Healthcare Professionals
AS Islind, H Vallo Hult, V Johansson, E Angenete, M Gellerstedt
54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS9, Tuesday …, 2021
Are patients willing to take a more active role? Questionnaires to measure patients’ willingness to be empowered
M Gellerstedt, J Melin, V Johansson, E Angenete
Patient Education and Counseling, 2021
Tweens Interpretation of Marketing Strategies within Instagram
V Johansson
University of Gothenburg - Department of Education, Communication & Learning, 2017
Application of work integrated learning in descriptions of practical implications: A study of dissertation work within Informatics with specialization in Work Integrated Learning
C Gjellebæk, V Johansson, S Samuelson
VILÄR. 3–4 December 2020 University West, Trollhättan, 4-5, 2020
Marketing Literacy
V Johansson
University of Gothenburg - Department of Education, Communication & Learning, 2015
Social media in Collaborative learning
V Johansson
University of Gothenburg - Department of Education, Communication & Learning, 2015
Ljud och musik som marknadsföringsverktyg
M Blomgren, V Johansson
Högskolan Väst - Institutionen för Ekonomi och IT - Avdelningen för medier …, 2015
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