Jan Sipke van der Veen
Jan Sipke van der Veen
Data architect at MGRID
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Cited by
Cited by
Sensor data storage performance: SQL or NoSQL, physical or virtual
JS Van der Veen, B Van der Waaij, RJ Meijer
2012 IEEE fifth international conference on cloud computing, 431-438, 2012
Dynamically scaling apache storm for the analysis of streaming data
JS Van Der Veen, B Van Der Waaij, E Lazovik, W Wijbrandi, RJ Meijer
2015 IEEE First International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and …, 2015
DREAM: An ICT architecture framework for heterarchical coordination in power systems
R Kamphuis, JP Wijbenga, JS van der Veen, P Macdougall, M Faeth
2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, 1-4, 2015
Deployment Strategies For Distributed Applications On Cloud Computing Infrastructures
JS van der Veen, E Lazovik, MX Makkes, RJ Meijer
A heterarchic hybrid coordination approach for congestion management using the dream framework
IG Kamphuis, JP Wijbenga, JS van der Veen
2016 CIRED Workshop (CIRED 2016), 2016
A Cloud Storage Platform In The Defense Context: Mobile Data Management With Unreliable Network Conditions
JS van der Veen, M Bastiaans, M de Jonge, R Strijkers
2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER …, 2012
A heterarchic hybrid coordination strategy for congestion management and market optimization using the DREAM framework
R Kamphuis, JP Wijbenga, JS van der Veen
IET Digital Library, 2016
Applying innovative IT modelling methods to low-level grid information for DSO operations
JS van der Veen, JP Wijbenga, R Kamphuis
2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, 1-6, 2015
The DREAM Innovative Software Architecture For High DG-RES Distribution Grids
R Kamphuis, JP Wijbenga, P MacDougall, JS van der Veen, M Faeth
PowerTech, 2015
Analysis Cloud: Running Sensor Data Analysis Programs on a Cloud Computing Infrastructure
JS van der Veen, B van der Waaij, M Vonder, M de Jonge, E Lazovik, ...
3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER …, 2013
The IETF Should Create An Intercloud RFC: The Interfaces In The IETF Cloud Reference Framework Should Be Standardized
JS van der Veen, RJ Meijer
International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER …, 2011
Processing Device Comprising A Transponder Interface
MR Vonder, BD van der Waaij, KA Helmholt, EAF Langius, ...
WO Patent WO/2007/144,392, 2007
Computer System with RFID Interface
MR Vonder, BD van der Waaij, KA Helmholt, EAF Langius, ...
EP Patent 1,868,085, 2007
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–13