Els Lefever
Cited by
Cited by
Automatic detection of cyberbullying in social media text
C Van Hee, G Jacobs, C Emmery, B Desmet, E Lefever, B Verhoeven, ...
PloS one 13 (10), e0203794, 2018
Semeval-2018 task 3: Irony detection in english tweets
C Van Hee, E Lefever, V Hoste
Proceedings of the 12th international workshop on semantic evaluation, 39-50, 2018
Detection and fine-grained classification of cyberbullying events
C Van Hee, E Lefever, B Verhoeven, J Mennes, B Desmet, G De Pauw, ...
Proceedings of the international conference recent advances in natural …, 2015
Semeval-2016 task 13: Taxonomy extraction evaluation (texeval-2)
G Bordea, E Lefever, P Buitelaar
Proceedings of the 10th international workshop on semantic evaluation …, 2016
Semeval-2010 task 3: Cross-lingual word sense disambiguation
E Lefever, V Hoste
5th International workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2010), 15-20, 2010
Automatic detection and prevention of cyberbullying
C Van Hee, E Lefever, B Verhoeven, J Mennes, B Desmet, G De Pauw, ...
International Conference on Human and Social Analytics (HUSO 2015), 13-18, 2015
Texsis: bilingual terminology extraction from parallel corpora using chunk-based alignment
L Macken, E Lefever, V Hoste
Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in …, 2013
Language-independent bilingual terminology extraction from a multilingual parallel corpus
E Lefever, L Macken, V Hoste
Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL …, 2009
LeTs Preprocess: The multilingual LT3 linguistic preprocessing toolkit
M Van de Kauter, G Coorman, E Lefever, B Desmet, L Macken, V Hoste
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands journal 3, 103-120, 2013
In no uncertain terms: a dataset for monolingual and multilingual automatic term extraction from comparable corpora
A Rigouts Terryn, V Hoste, E Lefever
Language Resources and Evaluation 54 (2), 385-418, 2020
Semeval-2013 task 10: Cross-lingual word sense disambiguation
E Lefever, V Hoste
Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (* SEM …, 2013
Current limitations in cyberbullying detection: On evaluation criteria, reproducibility, and data scarcity
C Emmery, B Verhoeven, G De Pauw, G Jacobs, C Van Hee, E Lefever, ...
Language Resources and Evaluation 55, 597-633, 2021
Parasense or how to use parallel corpora for word sense disambiguation
E Lefever, V Hoste, M De Cock
Proceedings of the 49th annual meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2011
Economic event detection in company-specific news text
G Jacobs, E Lefever, V Hoste
1st Workshop on Economics and Natural Language Processing (ECONLP) at …, 2018
Termeval 2020: Shared task on automatic term extraction using the annotated corpora for term extraction research (acter) dataset
A Rigouts Terryn, V Hoste, P Drouin, E Lefever
6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (COMPUTERM 2020), 85-94, 2020
A pilot study for BERT language modelling and morphological analysis for ancient and medieval Greek
P Singh, G Rutten, E Lefever
Proceedings of the 5th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics …, 2021
Exploring the realization of irony in Twitter data
C Van Hee, E Lefever, V Hoste
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Exploring the fine-grained analysis and automatic detection of irony on Twitter
C Van Hee, E Lefever, V Hoste
Language Resources and Evaluation 52 (3), 707-731, 2018
We usually don’t like going to the dentist: Using common sense to detect irony on twitter
C Van Hee, E Lefever, V Hoste
Computational Linguistics 44 (4), 793-832, 2018
Uncovering the language of wine experts
I Croijmans, I Hendrickx, E Lefever, A Majid, A Van Den Bosch
Natural Language Engineering 26 (5), 511-530, 2020
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Articles 1–20