Ekaterina Sangati
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Cited by
Joint action: mental representations, shared information and general mechanisms for coordinating with others
C Vesper, E Abramova, J Bütepage, F Ciardo, B Crossey, A Effenberg, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 2039, 2017
Automatic labeling of phonesthemic senses
E Abramova, R Fernández, F Sangati
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Cognitive Science Meeting 2013, 2013
Social cognition in simple action coordination: A case for direct perception
E Abramova, M Slors
Consciousness and cognition 36, 519-531, 2015
Mechanistic explanation for enactive sociality
E Abramova, M Slors
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (2), 401-424, 2019
Shrunken social brains? A minimal model of the role of social interaction in neural complexity
GM Reséndiz-Benhumea, E Sangati, F Sangati, S Keshmiri, T Froese
Frontiers in Neurorobotics 15, 634085, 2021
Questioning Arbitrariness in Language: a Data-Driven Study of Conventional Iconicity
E Abramova, R Fernández
Proceedings of NAACL-HLT, 343-352, 2016
The role of pantomime in gestural language evolution, its cognitive bases and an alternative
E Abramova
Journal of Language Evolution 3 (1), 26-40, 2018
The apparent (Ur-) intentionality of living beings and the game of content
K Abramova, M Villalobos
Philosophia 43, 651-668, 2015
Levels of coupling in dyadic interaction: An analysis of neural and behavioral complexity
GM Reséndiz-Benhumea, E Sangati, T Froese
2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2250-2256, 2020
DialettiBot: a Telegram Bot for Crowdsourcing Recordings of Italian Dialects
F Sangati, E Abramova, J Monti
Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2018), 342-347, 2018
The pandemic experience survey II: A second corpus of subjective reports of life under social restrictions during COVID-19 in the UK, Japan, and Mexico
MM James, J Rodrigues, M Montoya, N Koshkina, F Sangati, E Sangati, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 10, 913096, 2022
Joint Simon effect in movement trajectories
E Sangati, M Slors, BCN Müller, I van Rooij
Plos one 16 (12), e0261735, 2021
From silent gesture to artificial sign languages
M Schouwstra, K Abramova, Y Motamedi, K Smith, S Kirby
Workshop of Evolution of Signals, Speech and Signs, Evolang X, Vienna, Austria, 2014
Between Individual Brains and Collective Behavior: Multi-level Emergence in a Group Formation Task
E Sangati, F Sangati, YS Cheng, A Yu-Chan Chang
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings 35 2023 (1), 30, 2023
The role of Co-Representations in joint tracking
E Sangati, SM Hofmann
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings 32, 526-534, 2020
Enactive Mechanistic Explanation of Social Cognition
E Abramova, M Slors, I van Rooij
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Cognitive Science Meeting, 45-50, 2017
Uncovering the Role of Intention in Active and Passive Perception
E Sangati, L Lobo, S Estelle, F Sangati, S Tavassoli, T Froese
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), 2023
Evolution of Neural Complexity in Division of Labor Tasks
E Sangati, S Keshmiri, F Sangati
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings 33 2021 (1), 88, 2021
Joint Action: An Enactive Mechanistic Account
E Abramova
Radboud University Nijmegen, 2019
The Collaborative Abilities of ChatGPT Agents in a Number Guessing Game
E Sangati, F Sangati, M Slors, K Doya
Proceedings of the Joint Symposium of AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2024, 116--121, 2024
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Articles 1–20