Nancy H. Chau
Cited by
Cited by
Turning a blind eye: Costly enforcement, credible commitment and minimum wage laws
AK Basu, NH Chau, R Kanbur
The Economic Journal 120 (543), 244-269, 2010
Transnational trafficking, law enforcement, and victim protection: A middleman trafficker’s perspective
R Akee, AK Basu, A Bedi, NH Chau
The Journal of Law and Economics 57 (2), 349-386, 2014
Disentangling the consequences of direct payment schemes in agriculture on fixed costs, exit decisions, and output
NH Chau, H De Gorter
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87 (5), 1174-1181, 2005
The Adoption of International Labor Standards Conventions: Who, When, and Why?[with Comments and Discussion]
NH Chau, R Kanbur, A Harrison, P Morici
Brookings trade forum, 113-156, 2001
A theory of employment guarantees: Contestability, credibility and distributional concerns
AK Basu, NH Chau, R Kanbur
Journal of Public economics 93 (3-4), 482-497, 2009
Eco‐labeling and stages of development
AK Basu, NH Chau, U Grote
Review of Development Economics 7 (2), 228-247, 2003
Chapter 28 Ethnic Fragmentation, Conflict, Displaced Persons and Human Trafficking: An Empirical Analysis
RKQ Akee, AK Basu, NH Chau, M Khamis
Migration and culture, 691-716, 2010
Strategic amnesty and credible immigration reform
NH Chau
Journal of Labor Economics 19 (3), 604-634, 2001
The pattern of migration with variable migration cost
NH Chau
Journal of Regional Science 37 (1), 35-54, 1997
Exploitation of child labor and the dynamics of debt bondage
AK Basu, NH Chau
Journal of Economic Growth 9, 209-238, 2004
Guaranteed manufactured without child labor: the economics of consumer boycotts, social labeling and trade sanctions
AK Basu, NH Chau, U Grote
Review of Development Economics 10 (3), 466-491, 2006
Migration under asymmetric information and human capital formation
NH Chau, O Stark
Review of International Economics 7 (3), 455-483, 1999
The economics of globalization: policy perspectives from public economics
A Razin, E Sadka
Cambridge University Press, 1999
Nonprofits and public good provision: A contest based on compromises
NH Chau, M Huysentruyt
European Economic Review 50 (8), 1909-1935, 2006
The race to the bottom, from the bottom
NH Chau, R Kanbur
Economica 73 (290), 193-228, 2006
Targeting child labor in debt bondage: Evidence, theory, and policy implications
AK Basu, NH Chau
The World Bank Economic Review 17 (2), 255-281, 2003
Buying freedom: the ethics and economics of slave redemption
KA Appiah, M Bunzl
Princeton University Press, 2007
On export rivalry and the greening of agriculture–the role of eco‐labels
AK Basu, NH Chau, U Grote
Agricultural Economics 31 (2‐3), 135-147, 2004
Harnessing the forces of urban expansion: The public economics of farmland development allowances
NH Chau, W Zhang
Land Economics 87 (3), 488-507, 2011
Middlemen, non-profits and poverty
NH Chau, H Goto, R Kanbur
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP7459, 2009
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Articles 1–20