Jessica Maves Braithwaite
Jessica Maves Braithwaite
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When Organizations Rebel: Introducing the Foundations of Rebel Group Emergence (FORGE) Dataset
JM Braithwaite, KG Cunningham
International Studies Quarterly, 2019
Autocratic institutions and civil conflict contagion
J Maves, A Braithwaite
The Journal of Politics 75 (2), 478-490, 2013
The conditioning effect of protest history on the emulation of nonviolent conflict
A Braithwaite, JM Braithwaite, J Kucik
Journal of Peace Research 52 (6), 697-711, 2015
Determinants of Colombian attitudes toward the peace process
N Liendo, JM Braithwaite
Conflict Management and Peace Science 35 (6), 622-636, 2018
The costs of domestic political unrest
A Braithwaite, J Kucik, J Maves
International Studies Quarterly 58 (3), 489-500, 2014
Organizations, resistance, and democracy: How civil society organizations impact democratization
J Pinckney, C Butcher, JM Braithwaite
International Studies Quarterly 66 (1), sqab094, 2022
Changing horses in midstream: Leadership changes and the civil war peace process
KC Ryckman, JM Braithwaite
Conflict Management and Peace Science 37 (1), 83-105, 2020
The effect of sexual violence on negotiated outcomes in civil conflicts
TS Chu, JM Braithwaite
Conflict Management and Peace Science 35 (3), 233-247, 2018
Military purges and the recurrence of civil conflict
JM Braithwaite, JK Sudduth
Research & Politics 3 (1), 2053168016630730, 2016
The effect of civil society organizations and democratization aid on civil war onset
JM Braithwaite, AA Licht
Journal of Conflict Resolution 64 (6), 1095-1120, 2020
Revolt and rule: Learning about governance from rebel groups
CE Loyle, JM Braithwaite, KG Cunningham, R Huang, RJ Huddleston, ...
International Studies Review 24 (4), viac043, 2022
Introducing the anatomy of resistance campaigns (ARC) dataset
C Butcher, JM Braithwaite, J Pinckney, E Haugseth, IV Bakken, ...
Journal of Peace Research 59 (3), 449-460, 2022
Fear of Nonviolent Organizing in Mexico's Criminal Conflict
C Dorff, J Maves Braithwaite
Journal of Global Security Studies 3 (3), 271-284, 2018
Muddying the Waters: The Anatomy of Resistance Campaigns and the Failure of Ceasefires in Civil Wars
JM Braithwaite, C Butcher
Journal of Conflict Resolution 67 (7-8), 1376-1404, 2023
Layers of political repression: Integrating research on social movement repression
J Earl, JM Braithwaite
Annual Review of Law and Social Science 18 (1), 227-248, 2022
Expanding the empirical study of actors and tactics in research on nonviolent resistance
A Braithwaite, JM Braithwaite
Journal of Global Security Studies 3 (3), 251-254, 2018
Restricting opposition in elections and terrorist violence
A Braithwaite, JM Braithwaite
Terrorism and political violence 32 (7), 1550-1572, 2020
Tactics of resistance and post-conflict judicial independence
JM Braithwaite, JM Cox, M Farry
Journal of Peace Research 59 (6), 779-793, 2022
Who Keeps the Peace? Reconceptualizing Peacebuilding Through Networks of Influence and Support
JM Braithwaite, SP Campbell
Working paper, 2020
The Foundations of Rebel Groups (FORG) Database: Implications of the Origins of Rebel Groups in Africa
JM Braithwaite, KG Cunningham
Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO), Oslo, Norway. http://www …, 2015
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Articles 1–20