Tommy Shih
Tommy Shih
lektor företagsekonomi, Lunds universitet
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Exploring the roles of university spin-offs in business networks
L Aaboen, J Laage-Hellman, F Lind, C Öberg, T Shih
Industrial Marketing Management 59, 157-166, 2016
Divergent and convergent logic of firms: Barriers and enablers for development and commercialization of innovations
C Öberg, TTY Shih
Industrial Marketing Management 43 (3), 419-428, 2014
The network mediation of an incubator: How does it enable or constrain the development of incubator firms' business networks?
T Shih, L Aaboen
Industrial Marketing Management 80, 126-138, 2019
Creating a new socio-technical regime in China: Evidence from the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City
MC Hu, CY Wu, T Shih
Futures 70, 1-12, 2015
Starting up in business networks
L Aaboen, A La Rocca, F Lind, A Perna, T Shih
Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016
A case study on technology entrepreneurship education at a Taiwanese research university
T Shih, YY Huang
Asia pacific management review 22 (4), 202-211, 2017
Resource interfaces telling other stories about the commercial use of new technology: the embedding of biotech solutions in US, China and Taiwan
A Waluszewski, E Baraldi, Ĺ Linné, T Shih
The IMP Journal 3 (2), 86-123, 2009
Scrutinizing a policy ambition to make business out of science: Lessons from Taiwan
T Shih
Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet, 2009
Network strategies and effects in an interactive context
C Öberg, TTY Shih, HH Chou
Industrial Marketing Management 52, 117-127, 2016
Origins, motives, and challenges in western–Chinese research collaborations amid recent geopolitical tensions: findings from Swedish–Chinese research collaborations
T Shih, E Forsberg
Higher Education 85 (3), 651-667, 2023
Green transformation: Lessons from the fuel cell innovation system in Taiwan
JCP Chou, MC Hu, TTY Shih
Journal of Cleaner Production 240, 118182, 2019
Responsible internationalisation: Guidelines for reflection on international academic collaboration
T Shih, A Gaunt, S Östlund
STINT, 2020
Interactions between university spin-offs and academia: a dynamic perspective
J Laage-Hellman, F Lind, C Öberg, T Shih
Journal of business & industrial marketing 35 (12), 1941-1955, 2020
The Political Embeddedness of Business Networks in a Chinese Context: The Case of a Biopharmaceutical Business Network.
Ĺ Linné, T Tsung-Ying Shih
IMP Journal 7 (3), 2013
Introduction: Starting Up in Business Networks—Why Relationships Matter in Entrepreneurship
L Aaboen, AL Rocca, F Lind, A Perna, T Shih
Starting Up in Business Networks: Why Relationships Matter in …, 2017
Recalibrated responses needed to a global research landscape in flux
T Shih
Accountability in Research 31 (2), 73-79, 2024
State actors’ mobilisation of resources for innovation: A case study of a Chinese vaccine
T Shih, Ĺ Linné
IMP Journal 10 (2), 296-316, 2016
The emergence of a succesful business network-what was the role of public policy
T Shih
IMP Journal 4 (2), 131-159, 2010
Collective and individual social capital and the impact on incubator tenants’ graduation
L Zhang, T Shih
Journal of the Knowledge Economy 14 (3), 2692-2722, 2023
Scientific collaboration amid geopolitical tensions: a comparison of Sweden and Australia
T Shih, A Chubb, D Cooney-O’Donoghue
Higher Education 87 (5), 1339-1356, 2024
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Articles 1–20