Anders Heyden
Anders Heyden
Professor in Mathematics, Lund University
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Cited by
Euclidean reconstruction from image sequences with varying and unknown focal length and principal point
A Heyden, K Astrom
Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and …, 1997
Euclidean reconstruction from constant intrinsic parameters
A Heyden, K Astrom
proceedings of 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1, 339-343, 1996
Three‐dimensional biofilm model with individual cells and continuum EPS matrix
E Alpkvist, C Picioreanu, MCM Van Loosdrecht, A Heyden
Biotechnology and bioengineering 94 (5), 961-979, 2006
An iterative factorization method for projective structure and motion from image sequences
A Heyden, R Berthilsson, G Sparr
Image and Vision Computing 17 (13), 981-991, 1999
Feature-free registration of dissimilar images using a robust similarity metric
M Pettersson, A Rosenqvist, A Heyden, M Almers
US Patent 6,268,611, 2001
Reconstruction from image sequences by means of relative depths
A Heyden
International journal of computer vision 24 (2), 155-161, 1997
Minimal conditions on intrinsic parameters for euclidean reconstruction
A Heyden, K Åkström
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 169-176, 1998
Towards grading gleason score using generically trained deep convolutional neural networks
H Källén, J Molin, A Heyden, C Lundström, K Åström
2016 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1163-1167, 2016
Flexible calibration: Minimal cases for auto-calibration
A Heyden, K Astrom
Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 1999
Algebraic properties of multilinear constraints
A Heyden, K Åström
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 20 (13), 1135-1162, 1997
Projective structure and motion from image sequences using subspace methods
A Heyden
Proceedings of the Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 2, 963-968, 1997
Geometry and algebra of multiple projective transformations
A Heyden
Lund Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, 1995
A common framework for multiple view tensors
A Heyden
Computer Vision—ECCV'98: 5th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 1998
Using conic correspondences in two images to estimate the epipolar geometry
F Kahl, A Heyden
Sixth International Conference on Computer Vision (IEEE Cat. No. 98CH36271 …, 1998
Multiple view geometry
A Heyden, M Pollefeys
Emerging topics in computer vision 3, 45-108, 2005
A fast algorithm for level set-like active contours
B Nilsson, A Heyden
Pattern Recognition Letters 24 (9-10), 1331-1337, 2003
Affine structure and motion from points, lines and conics
F Kahl, A Heyden
International Journal of Computer Vision 33, 163-180, 1999
Covariance propagation and next best view planning for 3d reconstruction
S Haner, A Heyden
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012: 12th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2012
Degenerate cases and closed-form solutions for camera calibration with one-dimensional objects
P Hammarstedt, P Sturm, A Heyden
Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05) Volume 1 1 …, 2005
Segmentation of complex cell clusters in microscopic images: Application to bone marrow samples
B Nilsson, A Heyden
Cytometry Part A: The Journal of the International Society for Analytical …, 2005
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Articles 1–20