Rudi Rocha
Rudi Rocha
Associate Professor, FGV EAESP
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Cited by
Brazil's Unified Health System: The First 30 Years and Prospects for the Future
MC Castro, A Massuda, G Almeida, NA Menezes-Filho, MV Andrade, ...
The Lancet 394 (10195), 345-356, 2019
Deforestation Slowdown in the Legal Amazon: Prices or Policies?
J Assunção, CC Gandour, R Rocha
Environment and Development Economics 20 (6), 697-722, 2015
Effect of Socioeconomic Inequalities and Vulnerabilities on Health-System Preparedness and Response to COVID-19 in Brazil: A Comprehensive Analysis
R Rocha, A Rifat, A Massuda, B Rache, P Spinola, N Leticia, M Castro
The Lancet Global Health 9 (6), e782-e792, 2021
The Effect of Rural Credit on Deforestation: Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon
J Assunção, C Gandour, R Rocha, R Rocha
The Economic Journal 130 (626), 290-330, 2020
Water Scarcity and Birth Outcomes in the Brazilian Semiarid
R Rocha, R Soares
Journal of Development Economics 112, 72-91, 2015
Do Lower Taxes Reduce Informality? Evidence from Brazil
R Rocha, G Ulyssea, L Rachter
Journal of Development Economics 134, 28-49, 2018
Drug Battles and School Achievement: Evidence from Rio de Janeiro's Favelas
J Monteiro, R Rocha
Review of Economics and Statistics 99 (2), 213-228, 2017
Effect of Economic Recession and Impact of Health and Social Protection Expenditures on Adult Mortality: A Longitudinal Analysis of 5565 Brazilian Municipalities
T Hone, AJ Mirelman, D Rasella, R Paes-Sousa, ML Barreto, R Rocha, ...
The Lancet Global Health 7 (11), e1575-e1583, 2019
Necessidades de Infraestrutura do SUS em Preparo à COVID-19: Leitos de UTI, Respiradores e Ocupação Hospitalar
B Rache, R Rocha, L Nunes, P Spinola, AM Malik, A Massuda
IEPS, Nota Técnica 3, 1-5, 2020
Human Capital Persistence and Development
R Rocha, C Ferraz, R Soares
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 9 (4), 105-136, 2017
Agro-Industry Trends, Patterns and Development Impacts
J Wilkinson, R Rocha
Agroindustries for Development. Wallingford, UK: CABI for FAO and UNIDO, 46-91, 2009
Pobreza e Desigualdade de Renda no Brasil Rural: Uma Análise da Queda Recente
SM Helfand, R Rocha, HEF Vinhais
Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico 39 (1), 59-80, 2009
Down the River: Glyphosate Use in Agriculture and Birth Outcomes of Surrounding Populations
M Dias, R Rocha, RR Soares
Review of Economic Studies 90 (6), 2943–2981, 2023
Does Universalization of Health Work? Evidence from Health Systems Restructuring and Expansion in Brazil
SR Bhalotra, R Rocha, RR Soares
IZA Discussion Paper 12111, 2019
Winds of Fire and Smoke: Air Pollution and Health in the Brazilian Amazon
R Rocha, A Sant’Anna
World Development 151 (105722), 2022
Stop Suffering! Economic Downturns and Pentecostal Upsurge
FJM Costa, A Marcantonio Junior, R Rocha
Journal of the European Economic Association 21 (1), 2022
Health Systems Resilience: Is It Time to Revisit Resilience after COVID-19?
MAC Paschoalotto, EA Lazzari, R Rocha, A Massuda, MC Castro
Social Science & Medicine, 115716, 2023
Agri-Processing and Developing Countries
J Wilkinson, R Rocha
Background paper for the World Development Report 2008, 2006
Efeitos do FUNDEF/B sobre Frequência Escolar, Fluxo Escolar e Trabalho Infantil: Uma Análise com Base nos Censos de 2000 e 2010
GF da Cruz, R Rocha
Estudos Econômicos 48 (1), 39-75, 2018
The agro-processing sector: Empirical overview, recent trends and development impacts
J Wilkinson, R Rocha
Global Agro-Industries Forum, 1-59, 2008
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Articles 1–20