Sébastien Le Maguer
Sébastien Le Maguer
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ASVspoof 2019: A large-scale public database of synthesized, converted and replayed speech
X Wang, J Yamagishi, M Todisco, H Delgado, A Nautsch, N Evans, ...
Computer Speech & Language 64, 101114, 2020
Speech synthesis evaluation—state-of-the-art assessment and suggestion for a novel research program
P Wagner, J Beskow, S Betz, J Edlund, J Gustafson, G Eje Henter, ...
Proceedings of the 10th Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW10), 2019
Towards Fully Automatic Annotation of Audio Books for TTS.
O Boeffard, L Charonnat, S Le Maguer, D Lolive, G Vidal
LREC, 975-980, 2012
Creating new language and voice components for the updated MaryTTS text-to-speech synthesis platform
I Steiner, SL Maguer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.04787, 2017
How to compare TTS systems: a new subjective evaluation methodology focused on differences.
J Chevelu, D Lolive, S Le Maguer, D Guennec
Interspeech, 3481-3485, 2015
Should robots have accents?
I Torre, S Le Maguer
2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2020
Evaluation of contextual descriptors for HMM-based speech synthesis in French
SL Maguer, N Barbot, O Boeffard
Eighth ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, 2013
The limits of the Mean Opinion Score for speech synthesis evaluation
S Le Maguer, S King, N Harte
Computer Speech & Language 84, 101577, 2024
Back to the Future: Extending the Blizzard Challenge 2013.
S Le Maguer, S King, N Harte
INTERSPEECH, 2378-2382, 2022
Shadowing Synthesized Speech-Segmental Analysis of Phonetic Convergence.
I Gessinger, E Raveh, S Le Maguer, B Möbius, I Steiner
Interspeech, 3797-3801, 2017
Phonetic accommodation in interaction with a virtual language learning tutor: A Wizard-of-Oz study
I Gessinger, B Möbius, S Le Maguer, E Raveh, I Steiner
Journal of Phonetics 86, 101029, 2021
Gustav Eje Henter, Sébastien Le Maguer, Zofia Malisz, Éva Székely, Christina Tånnander, and Jana Voße. 2019. Speech Synthesis Evaluation—State-of-the-Art Assessment and …
P Wagner, J Beskow, S Betz, J Edlund, J Gustafson
Proc. 10th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop, 105-110, 0
An articulatory study of differences and similarities between stuttered disfluencies and non-pathological disfluencies
I Didirková, S Le Maguer, F Hirsch
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 35 (3), 201-221, 2021
The asvspoof 2019 database
X Wang, J Yamagishi, M Todisco, H Delgado, A Nautsch, N Evans, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.01601, 2019
Liaison and pronunciation learning in end-to-end text-to-speech in French
J Taylor, S Le Maguer, K Richmond
The 11th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW11), 195--199, 2021
FlexEval, création de sites web légers pour des campagnes de tests perceptifs multimédias
CFA Blond, G Coulombel, C Simon, D Lolive, GLJ Chevelu, S Le Maguer
6e conférence conjointe Journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP, 31e édition …, 2020
Articulatory behaviour during disfluencies in stuttered speech
I Didirkova, S Le Maguer, F Hirsch, D Gbedahou
ICPhS 2019-19th International Congress on Phonetic Sciences, 1-5, 2019
Synthesis of tongue motion and acoustics from text using a multimodal articulatory database
I Steiner, S Le Maguer, A Hewer
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 25 (12 …, 2017
Health consumer-oriented information retrieval
V Claveau, T Hamon, S Le Maguer, N Grabar
Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans, 80-84, 2015
Towards a versatile multi-layered description of speech corpora using algebraic relations
N Barbot, V Barreaud, O Boëffard, L Charonnat, A Delhay, SL Maguer, ...
Twelfth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2011
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