Jocelyn E Finlay
Jocelyn E Finlay
Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
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Fertility, female labor force participation, and the demographic dividend
DE Bloom, D Canning, G Fink, JE Finlay
Journal of Economic growth 14, 79-101, 2009
Demographic and health surveys: a profile
DJ Corsi, M Neuman, JE Finlay, SV Subramanian
International journal of epidemiology 41 (6), 1602-1613, 2012
Demographic change and economic growth in Asia
DE Bloom, JE Finlay
Asian economic policy review 4 (1), 45-64, 2009
The association of maternal age with infant mortality, child anthropometric failure, diarrhoea and anaemia for first births: evidence from 55 low-and middle-income countries
JE Finlay, E Özaltin, D Canning
BMJ open 1 (2), e000226, 2011
Association between economic growth and early childhood undernutrition: evidence from 121 Demographic and Health Surveys from 36 low-income and middle-income countries
S Vollmer, K Harttgen, MA Subramanyam, J Finlay, S Klasen, ...
The lancet global health 2 (4), e225-e234, 2014
Realizing the demographic dividend: Is Africa any different?
DE Bloom, D Canning, G Fink, J Finlay
Does age structure forecast economic growth?
DE Bloom, D Canning, G Fink, JE Finlay
International Journal of Forecasting 23 (4), 569-585, 2007
Height of nations: a socioeconomic analysis of cohort differences and patterns among women in 54 low-to middle-income countries
SV Subramanian, E Özaltin, JE Finlay
PLoS one 6 (4), e18962, 2011
Population aging and economic growth in Asia
DE Bloom, D Canning, JE Finlay
The economic consequences of demographic change in East Asia 19, 61-89, 2010
The cost of low fertility in Europe
DE Bloom, D Canning, G Fink, JE Finlay
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009
Consequences of maternal mortality on infant and child survival: a 25-year longitudinal analysis in Butajira Ethiopia (1987-2011)
C Moucheraud, A Worku, M Molla, JE Finlay, J Leaning, AE Yamin
Reproductive health 12, 1-8, 2015
Fertility response to natural disasters: the case of three high mortality earthquakes
J Finlay
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2009
The poor stay thinner: stable socioeconomic gradients in BMI among women in lower-and middle-income countries
M Neuman, JE Finlay, GD Smith, SV Subramanian
The American journal of clinical nutrition 94 (5), 1348-1357, 2011
Sexual and reproductive health knowledge among adolescents in eight sites across sub‐Saharan Africa
JE Finlay, N Assefa, M Mwanyika‐Sando, Y Dessie, G Harling, T Njau, ...
Tropical Medicine & International Health 25 (1), 44-53, 2020
The role of health in economic development
J Finlay
Program on the Global Demography of Aging (PGDA Working Paper No. 21 …, 2007
Global burden of double malnutrition: has anyone seen it?
DJ Corsi, JE Finlay, SV Subramanian
PLoS One 6 (9), e25120, 2011
Prospects for economic growth in Nigeria: A demographic perspective
D Bloom, J Finlay, S Humair, A Mason, O Olaniyan, A Soyibo
IUSSP Seminar on Demographics and Macroeconomic Performance, Paris, France, 2010
Shifting of undernutrition to overnutrition and its determinants among women of reproductive ages in the 36 low to medium income countries
AA Mamun, JE Finlay
Obesity research & clinical practice 9 (1), 75-86, 2015
Inequality in total fertility rates and the proximate determinants of fertility in 21 sub-Saharan African countries
JE Finlay, I Mejia-Guevara, Y Akachi
PloS one 13 (9), e0203344, 2018
Identifying causal effects of reproductive health improvements on women's economic empowerment through the Population Poverty Research Initiative
JE Finlay, MA Lee
The Milbank Quarterly 96 (2), 300-322, 2018
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Articles 1–20